13.5.2024 | 20:49
Svo margir þrá kjarnorkustyrrjöld
Þessi gaur er jafn bjagaður og liðið sem heldur að Rússar muni núka Keflavík
"Warmonger in chief Lindsey Graham suggested Sunday that Israel, with the help of the US, should use nuclear weapons on Iran and Hamas fighters in Palestinian territories."
Það er eins og menn haldi að það séu bara einhvr pólitísk tómarúm um allt þar sem menn gata bara valsað um og gert hvað sem þeim dettur í hug.
Svo er ekki.
Þessi hugmynd er til komin vegna vanskilnings á öllu undir sólinni.
"In a graphic featured within OCHAs recent daily briefing on May 6th, it was claimed that approximately 9,500 women had lost their lives in the ongoing conflict. The organization also cited data sourced from the Hamas-administered Ministry of Health in Gaza asserting that since hostilities began last October, roughly 14,500 children had been killed.
Yet just two days later, the U.N. agency appeared to revise these figures significantly downward in its subsequent report. The updated data indicated that approximately 4,959 women and 7,797 children had lost their lives."
Var semi að vonast eftir zombíum...
Ekkert að marka sameinuðu þjóðirnar.
Allskyns óþokkar reyna að myrða fólk í kirkju, en hvorki gengur né rekur
"Churchgoers thwarted a teenager armed with a rifle from entering a Louisiana church full of children Saturday in a service that was being livestreamed, authorities said.
He was trying to enter the back door and parishioners barred the entrance, apprehended the boy, and called the police."
Minnir á þetta atvik: "A horrifying livestream of the ordeal showed Germany ducking for cover as the perp brandished the weapon in front of churchgoers, including the pastors own 14-year-old daughter.
He pulled the gun; it clicked, the pastor told WPXI. You heard him shoot it.
God jammed the gun so the bullet didnt come out."
og þetta: "Bishop Mari Emmanuel was preaching a live-streamed sermon at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in the citys west when a man dressed in black approached the altar and allegedly stabbed the Christian Orthodox priest multiple times."
Í stuði með Guði.
Háskóli Norður karólínu tekur ekki lengur þátt í neinni úrkynjun
"UNC's board of trustees has voted unanimously to abolish the university's DEI department and transfer all funds to the campus police. It's not 2020 anymore. "Defund DEI, refund the police" is the winning slogan of the day."
Loksins loksins.
"Trading on GameStop was halted 5 times Monday morning before 10:30 AM EST because the stock was up over 100%."
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Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.