Manndrįp sem leiddi til dauša

Žeir į fréttastofu RŚV vita ekki hvaš orš žżša.

... ha?

Žessu tengt: Kolefnistręuarmapur vill myrša stóran hluta mannkyns til aš breyta vešrinu

"One government climate scientist made the mistake of blurting out the real end-game of so many radical environmental activists in a bid to preserve the planet: Killing off the human population.

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate,” he wrote."

Kolefnistrś er bókstaflega dauša-költ.

Kķnverjinn veit.

Hinn heimsfręgi apa-rišill Tedros stefnir į heimsyfirrįš

"The United Kingdom’s health officials issued statements during negotiations last week suggesting London would not sign to the draft as it currently exists, as it is a threat to the country’s sovereignty. Conservative leader Nigel Farage launched a campaign this week to oppose the adoption of the W.H.O. pandemic accord, warning that the draft could result in an international push “for mandatory lockdowns and vaccinations.”"

Getur Tedros og hans hyski ekki bara fariš ķ nęsta dżragarš og lokaš sig inni meš górillunum?


Google kęrt vegna vafasamra višskifthįtta

"Rumble argued in their suit that during their time as a client, Google had prevented them from earning more than $1 billion in ad revenue and that the company had illegally hindered their ability to become a viable competitor in the advertising tech sector."

Žętti lķklega ešlilegt hér.


Fasisminn lifir

"A court in Germany has approved the intelligence monitoring of the Alternative for Germany (AFD) political party on the grounds that it poses a “threat to democracy.”

As the party’s popularity continues to rise as Germans rise up against the globalist regime that rules them, particulary over the issue of mass immigration, the government has now found an excuse to monitor them by classifying them as an extremist organization."

AfD eru ašeins of augljóslega góšu kallarnir, og rķkiš vondu kallarnir.  Algerlega svart/hvķtt, eins og ķ einhverri teiknimyndasögu.


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