Al Gore segir að heimsskautin hafi bráðnað að fullu árið 2014

Al Gore segir líka að hafið sé að sjóða.

Þetta er síðan 2009... bara að segja

"New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in the summertime as early as 2014, Al Gore said Monday at the UN climate conference.

"The time for collective and immediate action on climate change is now," said Denmark's foreign minister, Per Stig Moeller."

Kolefnistrúarmenn eru staðfastir í sinni villutrú.

Alvöru vísindi:

Hvað segiði, hvað fenguði margar?

Þeir í Perú segja það eins og það er

"Conditions now recognized as mental health disorders include transsexualism, dual role transvestism, gender identity disorder in childhood, other gender identity disorders, fetish transvestism, and egodystonic sexual orientation.""

Þegar menn læra að mistökum annarra...

Ofbeldismaður fær það sem hann á skilið

"Would-be attacker stabbed multiple times after wild caught-on-camera ambush of NYC couple walking their dog.

Footage released by the New York Police Department (NYPD) shows the man sneaking up behind the couple as they strolled the streets with their pup. The suspect then throws his coat aside and pounces on the man in the scooter.

But things quickly go haywire for the assailant. The would-be victim immediately tosses the thug to the ground and starts raining blows at him."


Íranir þykjast eiga atómbombu

"The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) offered to share the nation’s nuclear “expertise” with any country seeking to develop a nuclear program on Wednesday, the latest in a string of provocative comments by Iranian officials, including one claiming Tehran already has a nuclear bomb."

Þá er augljóslega rétti tíminn til að starta einhverju þar.

Á hverjum degi, alltaf eins: Þetta fellur, hitt fellur... allt fellur.

Maður náðaður fyrir að skjóta terrorista

"Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a full pardon and restoration of rights for Daniel Perry, the former Army sergeant who was found guilty of murder for the fatal shooting of Garrett Foster during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest while Perry was an Uber driver."

Meiri góðar fréttir.


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