17.5.2024 | 17:58
Hvernig skal forðast stór skip
Nauðsynleg bók hverjum sjofarenda, sýnist mér.
"Can it be stopped before it hits you? Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones by reading this book written for the private boat owner/captain."
Auðvitað skal öllum vera ljóst að ekki verður komist hjá því að nota tæknileg sjóara orð eins og "vatn" og "bátur," annars ættu flestir að geta stautað sig fram úr þessu.
Úti á ballarhafi geta svona stór skip algerlega komið manni að óvörum úr einhverju skúmaskotinu. Eins og reynzlan kennir.
Naut stangar vitleysing á ströndinni
"She made at least three very stupid mistakes. She fed the bull. She kept trying to retrieve her belongings from the bull who was interested in them and sniffing them. Finally, she did not run and seek a protective position away from the animal."
Fólk er hvorki gáfað né gott.
Pútín segir hvað hann hefur í hyggju
"Speaking to reporters at the Harbin Institute of Technology during his two-day visit to China, Putin commented on Russias operations in Kharkov Region, asserting that Moscow is achieving success on the battlefield by acting strictly according to plan.
When asked about Russias goals there, Putin noted that Ukraine is to blame for recent fighting in the area, as it unfortunately continues to shell residential blocks in the border areas, including Belgorod.
Civilians are dying out there. Everything is crystal clear. They are firing directly at the center of the city, the president said, recalling that he had publicly warned Kiev that Russia would be forced to establish a cordon sanitaire in the areas under Kievs control if the attacks continued."
Þar höfum við það.
Það er verið að reyna að peppa fólk í aðra kóvitleysu.
Kommúnistar skjóta leiserum á blaðamann
"A local Seattle news journalist was assaulted and harassed by armed Antifa militants and leftist agitators on Wednesday at the University of Washingtons unsanctioned Gaza encampment.
They surrounded Fox 13 News photojournalist Mike Harvey with umbrellas to block him from filming the encampment, and shined high-powered green lasers in his eyes, which can cause permanent blindness."
"According to Musk, an uncrewed mission to Mars could be achieved in less than five years, while landing humans on the planet might take less than a decade. He further projected that a city could potentially be established on Mars within 20 years, and with certainty, within 30 years, securing the future of human civilization beyond Earth."
Gaman að rúnta þar.
eða þetta:
Framtíðin. Gott að hafa langtímaplön. Menn verða jú sífellt eldri.
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