Hvað er sniðugt í útlendu miðlum?

Innrás USA í Gasa heldur áfram

"After the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden is putting troops in harm's way with a half baked plan to construct a pier in Gaza.

As the fighting raged, the US military said trucks started moving aid ashore from a temporary pier, the first to reach the besieged enclave by sea in weeks.

The situation is heating up even as famine is said to be present in this northern area. "To stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of Gaza – and for that, we need access by land now," deputy UN spokesperson Farhan Haq announced in a statement..."


Tölvuleikjasenan er villt.

Á meðan, í Frakklandi

"The French postal service is offering a scratch-and-sniff stamp that highlights the beautiful aroma of the country’s beloved baguette.

The stamp, which costs 1.96 euro, was unveiled on Thursday, and its “bakery scent” comes from microcapsules in the ink, France 24 reported on Friday."

Þetta hljómar eins og eitthvað sem mönnum dettur í hug á næturvakt númer 2.

Zombíu-heimsendirinn hófst öðruvísi en við bjuggumst við.

Velgengni í Rússlandi

"The Russian economy, which is already subjected to a wide array of international economic sanctions due to the Ukraine conflict, initially contracted by 1.2% in 2022, but last year posted growth of 3.6%, according to official statistics. The first quarter of 2024 saw the country’s GDP further increase by 5.4% year-on-year, according to preliminary estimates issued on Friday. The International Monetary Fund said last month it expects the Russian economy to expand 3.2% this year, a projection which puts the country ahead of a number of major Western economies, including the US (2.7%), UK (0.5%), France (0.7%), and Germany (0.2%)."

Þetta stríð við þá er ekki alveg að virka.

Reddt = 4chan með fávitum.

Innbrotsþjófur skorinn í bita

"A low-life career criminal paid the ultimate price after breaking into a Florida man’s home and shooting his wife.

Highlands County Sheriff Paul Blackman told reporters Glenn gained entry into the couple’s home under a scam that involved the woman’s job as a notary.

After the male victim witnessed Glenn try to kill his wife, Blackman said the man grabbed a seven-inch garden knife and went to work on the intruder.

Blackman revealed the thug was “cut to pieces” and “very much deceased” when deputies found him. The sheriff thanked the male victim for his heroic actions."

Menn komast ekki upp með hvað sem er í Flórída.

Á meðan, í Þýzkalandi

Fólk er að deyja skyndilega:

"The most recent death was 25-year-old Adnan Deumic, who worked in the United Kingdom for Bank of America. Fox Business reported he died from “cardiac arrest” while playing soccer Thursday night, merely two weeks after a 35-year-old investment banker for the company passed away unexpectedly, reportedly due to a blood clot."

Og þessi: "Alice Stewart, a former GOP advisor, Trump critic who did not believe in election fraud, and a CNN political commentator, has died unexpectedly at the age of 58."

Bara það sem er á forsíðunni í dag.

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