20.5.2024 | 20:22
Bara sama...
Merkilega skynsamlegir hlutir koma frá þessum banjó-spilara.
Hinn uggvænlegi leigumorðingi Eli Kopter
"Hamas Telegram has picked up a joke that Raisi's pilot was a Mossad agent called Eli Copter and is pushing it as fact. These are the same geniuses that the mainstream media has been getting casualty numbers from for 7 months and publishing them without verification"
Geta menn talað og gengið samtímis?
Eitthvað segir mér að forseti íran hafi ekki verið allt of vinsæll
"Iranian women are celebrating the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and dancing on his dirty grave.
The Butcher of Tehran oversaw a brutal crackdown on the protests in 2022 that rose against the Islamic morality police."
Já... þeir velja annan, og hann verður eins, eða nógu svipaður.
Stuðningur við hryðjuverkasamtök hamlar útskrift
"Harvard has reportedly blocked 12 seniors from graduating and dozens more students received notices to appear in front of the Harvard College Administrative Board in connection with the Gaza camp that lasted nearly three weeks in Harvard Yard. "
Þessu tengt:
Þeir fela andlit sín því þeir vita að þeir eru að gera vonda hluti.
Venezuela hefur ekki næga orku aflögu
"According to a local news outlet, Venezuelas Ministry of Electric Power has unveiled plans to disconnect cryptocurrency mining farms from the national grid. The move aims to regulate excessive energy consumption and guarantee a stable power supply for the population."
Auðvitað ekki.
Tilgangurinn með kommúnisma er stanslaus skortur á öllu.
Uhm... ha?
Mætið á NASCAR, fáið UFC í kaupbæti
"NASCAR drivers Kyle Busch and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. got into a fight outside the garage area following the 200-lap race.
The physical interaction started when Stenhouse approached Busch after the race and threw a punch at Busch.
A brawl quickly ensued, and Buschs and Stenhousess crews needed to be separated by security."
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