23.5.2024 | 16:19
Flón á lestarteinum
Hollenskur lögfræðingur gæti lent í fangelsi fyrir að mótmæla ofbeldisglæpum
"Raisa Blommestijn revealed how she had received a letter that amounted to an order to appear before a Dutch prosecutor at a court hearing in front of multiple judges on August 19th.
The charges stem from comments Blommestijn made on social media in response to a video of a defenseless Dutch boy being brutally kicked and punched as he lay on the ground at an Amsterdam Metro station in May last year before he was thrown onto the railway track."
Það á ekki að amast við ofbeldi í niðurlömdum, það á að fagna ofbeldi, helst stunda það grimmt.
Niðurlendingar eru skrítnir.
"Another right-leaning county in eastern Oregon has voted to secede from the Democrat-run state and join neighboring Idaho, according to reports.
Crook County residents passed the measure by a 53% majority Tuesday, making it the 13th county in the state to sign onto the movement known as Greater Idaho, NewsNation reported."
Oregon er fullt af Antifa og öðrum slíkum viðbjóð.
Þetta er brot á öllum persónuverndarlögum.
Þjóðernishreinsun sem öllum er sama um
"Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Tuesday released a report that accused China of forcibly relocating more than 700,000 Tibetans since 2016, herding rural residents into big cities in a bid to re-educate the population while erasing Tibets history and culture."
Á sama tíma eru Kínverjar að útrýma Uygurum, sem þykir bara ekkert vera þjóðarmorð, vegna þess að enginn þeirra hefur skipulagt nauðgunargengi, býst ég við.
Kommum er alveg sama um þig ef þú ert ekki í nauðgunargengi.
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