26.5.2024 | 18:58
Hvað er að gerast í dag?
Gaza innrásarbryggjan hefur strandað
"The Times of Isreal's military correspondent Emanuel Fabian has reported that "An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say."
The recovery operation has not gone well either, as "Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached," Fabian writes."
Gott show.
Rússar geta truflað hátæknivopn NATO
"Russias jamming of the guidance systems of modern Western weapons, including Excalibur GPS-guided artillery shells and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, which can fire some U.S.-made rockets with a range of up to 50 miles, has eroded Ukraines ability to defend its territory and has left officials in Kyiv urgently seeking help from the Pentagon to obtain upgrades from arms manufacturers.
The success rate for the U.S.-designed Excalibur shells, for example, fell sharply over a period of months to less than 10 percent hitting their targets before Ukraines military abandoned them last year, according to the confidential Ukrainian assessments."
Þýzki herinn er ekkert of vel græjaður upp
"The German military does not have enough uniforms, bulletproof vests, or helmets for its personnel, Bild has reported, citing a Defense Ministry document."
Gaman að því.
Komið til Baltimore til þess að synda í höfninni
"Overflowing trash in the harbor is coupled with "persistent sewer leaks throughout Baltimore City" and an "overflow-prone sewer system."
If you want to risk unknown diseases or exposure to hazardous materials by swimming in the dirty Baltimore Harbor water, you can register to jump in here.
It is unclear why there would be such a heavy push to start putting people in this water or why they "must start swimming," as Waterfront Partnership's Michael Hankin put it."
Já... ýmislegt dettur mönnum í hug.
Fyndið vegna þess að það er satt
"A trans man is in custody after allegedly stabbing four youg girls at a movie theater in Braintree, Massachusetts on Saturday night.
Once inside the theater, the suspect stabbed four females between the ages of 9 and 17-years-old, police said, adding that the attack appeared to be unprovoked and without warning. The four girls sustained non-life-threatening injuries and were transported to Boston hospitals for treatment, poilce said."
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