27.5.2024 | 16:10
Fortíðin gerðist áðan
Mörgþúsund vísindagreinar reynast vera merkingarlaust orðasalat
"217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches", Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week.
According to Nova's post, professional cheating services are employing AI to craft seemingly "original" academic papers by shuffling around words. For instance, terms like "breast cancer" morphed into "bosom peril," and a "naïve Bayes" classifier turns into "gullible Bayes."
Similarly, in one paper, an ant colony was bizarrely rebranded as an "underground creepy crawly state.""
Peer-reviewed, já...
Gangandi vegfarendur eru tvöfalt líklegri til að verða fyrir rafbíl en venjulegum bíl
"The study uncovered a pedestrian casualty rate of 5.16 per 100 million miles driven for electric and hybrid vehicles, more than double the 2.4 per 100 million miles recorded for traditional gasoline-powered cars."
En hvað fletja þeir út marga hjólreiðamenn? Vissulega rök fyrir rafbílum, þetta.
"The figures given by Bain & Company suggest that the average production cost of a Russian 152mm shell is $1,000, which is one quarter the price of the 155mm rounds used by NATO, which are priced at $4,000."
Ég hef ekki efni á þessu.
Hinn ógurlegi apariðill Tedros fær ekki að stjórna heiminum
"After two years of negotiations, an effort by the World Health Organization to agree on a global pandemic treaty has failed.
The plan, which sought to agree on a framework for how countries would respond to the next pandemic, would give the WHO the power to mandate lockdowns, vaccines, and vaccine passports and other forms of authoritarian control.
The effort was led by WHO Director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian politician with links to Marxist guerilla movements whose recommendations shaped the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic."
Apariðill og kommúnisti. Sem er þekkt kombó. Flugkaffi-perrarnir eru allir mjög vinstri sinnaðir.
Annar heimur, önnur stemming.
Ameríska ríkið, alveg eins og það íslenska
"The Biden admin has set a goal of building half a million electric vehicle charging stations in the United States by the year 2030. Under 3 years of Mayor Pete's leadership they have built ... 8."
Milljarður dollara per stöð. Andi Dags B svífur yfir vötnum.
... já.
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