30.5.2024 | 16:21
Kindurnar munu gleyma
Þegar "narratívið" trompaði veruleikann...
"At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were a recommended public health measure to prevent transmission of the virus. Yet new research suggests masks were ineffective at reducing the risk of infection when Omicron became the dominant variant."
Allar kindurnar sögðu "Meee" og settu á sig grímu.
Rússarnir eru að spá í að skjóta eins og einum flugeld
"Finally, to confirm the seriousness of Russias intentions and to convince our adversaries of Moscows willingness to escalate, it is worth considering a demonstration (i.e. non-aggressive) nuclear explosion. The political and psychological effect of an atomic mushroom cloud, broadcast live on all the worlds television channels, will hopefully bring back to Western politicians the one thing that prevented wars between the great powers after 1945, and which they have now largely lost the fear of nuclear war."
Sjáið ósýnilegu geimverurnar hér:
"At a family house, people noticed an unexplainable streak of light that raced across the sky, a phenomenon that was also captured on Las Vegas police bodycams.
After that, the family saw strange creatures in their backyard, and even recorded video of the encounter."
Hljómar vel.
"Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has been revealed to support abolishing Boston Polices gang database and stating that charges such as shoplifting, drug possession, and trespassing should not be charged."
The Purge!
Fyrst bönnuðu þeir byssur, svo bönnuðu þeir hnífa...
"Khans London: 43 Knife Crime Incidents Recorded Per Day Amid Gang Violence Surge in British Capital
A child is in a serious condition and three adults are in hospital after a shooting Wednesday near a restaurant in north-east London."
Engar lausnir, bara vandamál.
Leftistar og morðhótanir fara saman eins og kaffi og bolli.
Fólk þarf einfaldlega bara að fagna þegar þessi fífl eru tekin og barin.
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