3.6.2024 | 14:26
Texas & Flórída skara framúr
mRNA lyfin valda hjartabilunum, ekki Kína Kvefið
"Researchers at Oxford University evaluated over one million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15 for incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in relation to the COVID-19 infection and the COVID-19 vaccine.
According to the preprint, myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.
Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals, the authors wrote."
Fólk sagði mér, að ef ég fengi Kína Kvefið myndi ég deyja ítrekað.
"But pro-Hamas agitators decided to temporarily depart from bullying Jewish people and harass liberal gay marchers instead. Thus, an unusual scene of left-on-left fighting was witnessed in the public square."
Við þessu að búast.
"Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that there was no scientific evidence supporting the Covid-era rule that people must maintain six feet of "social distancing" between each other, or the pandemic-inspired guideline that children wear medical face masks in schools."
Kindurnar merktu sig.
"More than half of the nation's jobs created in the past five years have come in two states: Texas and Florida.They're at the forefront of a job creation revolution in which states with lower wages and a lower cost of living are gaining the highest share of new jobs, according to a new Stateline analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data."
Flórída maðurinn.
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