Rússar og fleiri á ferð og flugi


Rússar á leið í sólina

"In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden's authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald."

Sunsine reggae...

Eitt helsta náttúruundur Kína reynist vera gervi

"The Yuntai Mountain waterfall is claimed to be China's tallest uninterrupted waterfall at over 1,000 feet high.

Pictures and videos of the waterfall are absolutely gorgeous, but one hiker who scaled the mountain discovered that they are all a lie.

The water is being pumped up 1,000 feet and pushed out of an old rusty pipe."

Allt er feik í Kína.

Á meðan, í Flórída:

"A Florida man wearing a women’s shirt and no pants crashed into the Martin County Jail on Monday and threw motor oil and rubber snakes all over the floor."

Lefty losing it.


Án málfrelsis væri þetta ekki mögulegt

"A wild video has surfaced showing an enraged Spanish father punching a comedian on stage for making a vile, unacceptable sexualized joke about his 3-month-old son on social media.

‘Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black c–k,’ Caravaca tweeted back, according to a since-deleted screenshot being circulated online.

Pugilato quickly fired back, ‘I assure you that you are going to apologize for what you said about my 3-month-old son and you will discover that real life is not Twitter’.”

Those were not idle words, because Pugilato jumped on stage during Caravaca’s monologue and landed a couple of blows on his head."

Menn lifa allir sínu besta lífi þarna.


Tokyo vill að fólk eyði tíma í rúmi öðruvísi

"The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is preparing to launch its own dating app as part of a national effort to boost the country’s dwindling birth rate,"

og þetta er leiðin  til þess?

Eins og bent var á hér efst:

"The Kremlin dictator for the first time threatened to supply his advanced weapons to enemies of Britain and other Western counties who are providing long range arms to Kyiv.

Putin said there could be an 'asymmetrical response' for Western long range missiles deployed by Ukraine to hit Russian territory."


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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Fróðlegt blogg að venju. Gott að vita hvernig maður snýr á löggu sem er að ybba gogg útaf bílastæðum !

Loncexter, 6.6.2024 kl. 18:45

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