Það má ekki einu sinni framleiða lesbíu klám í vinnunni


Ástralskir kommúnistar fá ekki að ritskoða X

"As we previously highlighted, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his government went to war with Musk, after the X owner refused demands to remove all copies of a video of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel being stabbed during a live streamed mass.

Australia’s so called ‘eSafety Commissioner’ Julie Inman-Grant, an unelected official, ordered X to remove footage of the attack under the Online Safety Act, passed in 2021, which empowers the eSafety department to demand the removal of so-called ‘class 1 material’.

In response, Musk urged that “no president, prime minister or judge has authority over all of Earth! This platform adheres to the laws of countries in those countries, but it would be improper to extend one country’s rulings to other countries."


Kolefnistrúar-áróður frá 1900.

Allt er stærst í Ameríku

"Oversize model Sara Milliken has won the title of Miss Alabama, sparking a torrent of criticism and support online. Critics have claimed that Milliken’s victory bolsters negative stereotypes about Alabama.

Some 37.9% of adults in Alabama are obese, making the southern state the US’ seventh-fattest, according to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention."

Mannvinsamlegur flokkur sigrar kosningar í Hollandi

"Despite having only been formed in 2019, the tractor protest party is building a history of success, having won a stunning upset last year in the provincial elections to become the largest party in the Dutch Senate on the heels of an outpouring of anger at the green agenda of Brussels and the neoliberal Rutte government in The Hague. The party will also be one of the chief partners of Wilders as he seeks to form a coalition government later this month after having won last year’s elections, meaning that the farmer party will also likely have a large influence over the future governance of The Netherlands."

Engin hungursneið, engin nauðgunargengi.

Engin furða að RÚV sé á móti þessu.


Í tilefni mánaðarins

"“This sexually transmitted form of ringworm has been increasingly diagnosed throughout Europe, with 13 instances reported in France in 2023, mostly in men who have sex with men,” the news alert stated."



Ekkert má á þessum síðustu og verstu

"A Mississippi state trooper was fired for allegedly filming a sexual encounter with another woman and sharing the video with fellow officers of the highway patrol, according to a report."

Ýmislegt dettur fólki í hug.

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