Islömsk árás á KFC og varðeldur í lofttæmi

Einhver lak flerii blaðsíðum af Trannyfestóinu til fjölmiðla

"The Tennessee Star has obtained dozens of handwritten pages authored by Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who committed the horrific Covenant School shooting on March 27, 2023.

The Star reviewed nearly four dozen images of notebook pages written by Hale that were recovered from the vehicle she drove to the Covenant School which were obtained from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation."

Notthebee hefur meira

"Metro-Nashville Police learned that the killer was a patient with Vanderbilt for mental health reasons for more than 20 years before she committed the mass killing.

[The shooter]'s diary or journal entry begins with the title 'My Imaginary Penis' and includes a crude drawing.

'My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I'm a male,' wrote [Redacted] in the diary or journal recovered by police. She then wrote about her desire to have a penis for the purpose of heterosexual sex with a woman."

Og svo framvegis.

Alex Jones tapar InfoWars

"In filings made to a Texas bankruptcy court on Thursday, Jones’ lawyers requested that the Chapter 11 bankruptcy be converted into a Chapter 7 liquidation, as “there is no reasonable prospect of a successful reorganization” of his debts."

Hver á þá að segja okkur hverjir eru að gera froskana samkynhneigða?

Múslimar ráðast á KFC

"It was the third mob attack on a KFC in Baghdad in a week, apparently inspired by Iran-backed Shiite militias calling for boycotts and assaults on American brand names."

Ég hitti um daginn náunga sem segist hafa hitt Kernel Sanders.

Fólk má alveg ógna hryðjuverkamönnum í USA

"A judge has cleared the misdemeanor convictions of a St. Louis couple who displayed firearms to protect their home against Black Lives Matter protesters outside their residence in 2020."


Sko: ekki allar fréttir eru slæmar.

Þetta eru upplýsingar sem gætu nýzt ykkur seinna.

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