Nazistar nútímans hafa hafnað Hugo Boss

Nazistar ráðast á Hvíta Húsið

"Chants of "Free Palestine!", "Genocide is our red line", and "Israel bombs, your taxes pay" could be heard from protesters - many of whom were bussed in from over two dozen cities.

BREAKING: Activists from Boston Coalition for Palestine, Boston's chapter of Party for Socialism & Liberation, Boston South Asian Coalition, and Palestinian Youth Movement Boston are boarding multiple buses to show up for the Surround the White House for Gaza protest in Washington D.C."

Það er engan veginn jafn mikill stýll yfir nútíma Nazistianum, og þeim upprunalega.

Popúlisti stunginn af Vinstri-öfgamanni

"A populist AfD politician was stabbed in Mannheim, Germany earlier this week after confronting Antifa goons who were ripping down his posters.

The violent leftists are threatened with the growing approval of the AfD party as the German left continues to support mass immigration policies."

Kommarnir hætta ekki fyrr en þeim hefur verið skift út fyrir múslima.  Og gerum okkur hér grein fyrir því að múslimarnir munu drepa þá alla.

Múslimar hóta að drón-stræka Ólýmpíuleikana

"The terrorist organisation has shared a picture of a faceless person operating a drone carrying a package marked 'gift' towards the Eiffel Tower.

The resurgent Islamic State militant group had urged attacks against host venues of the Champions League semi-finals, including with drones."

Þrátt fyrir þessa hótun, þá sér enginn árásina fyrir .

Nútíma saga Svíþjóðar

"'That was a bad period in Sweden – September to October last year. Today it's a little bit better, but it's very insecure still because it can turn on and start with a new wave of violence at any time,' he said.

'Sometimes we make arrests of gang members and when they are put away, a vacuum opens, and then new gang members try to take over,' he said. Then 'they are fighting each other and you have new shootings and a new explosion of violence.'

Deadly violence linked to feuds between criminal gangs has escalated in recent years against the backdrop of high levels of migration into the country.

In all of 2023, 53 people were killed in shootings across Sweden, which is home to around 10.5 million people. In 2022, that figure stood at 62 - and Stockholm's per-capita murder rate was roughly 30 times that of London's.

The killings have turned Sweden, seen for many years from the outside as a peaceful Scandinavian welfare state, into the European Union's gun-homicide capital."

Telja þeir bara þá sem eru skotnir til bana?

Hvað eru þá eiginlega margir myrtir í heildina?  200?  1000?

"Pointing to his 2020 study 'Migrants and Crime in Sweden in the 21st Century', he said someone with a migrant background can be two, three or even four times more likely to be involved with or a suspect in criminal activity than an average Swede."

Hlutfallið virðist alltaf vera 13-50.  Eða 13% af þýðinu fremur 50% af glæpunum.

En fólki mislíkar að heyra svoleiðis.

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