Dýr merkurinnar

Maríúana iðnaðurinn stendur ekkert of vel

"Colorado's cannabis market is in free-fall, going from peak revenues of $2.2 billion in 2020, to $1.5 billion just three years later. The drop has had a substantial impact on the state's economy - with cannabis tax revenues decreasing more than 30% over the past two years to just $282 million last fiscal year, Politico reports.

The causes are manifold, and include an oversaturated local market, regulatory burdens, and increasing competition from nearby states such as New Mexico and Arizona..."

Gekk betur þegar þetta var ólöglegt.

Á meðan, í Rússlandi

"Two women have been detained in Russia on suspicion of killing a man who refused to have a threesome with them.

The suspects, 29 and 37, were drinking with the 63-year-old in a churchyard in Stavropol.

The female friends are accused of beating the man to death when he refused to have sex with them, say reports in Russia."

... ok.  Ég segi ekkert.

Úr dýraríkinu

"The 45-year-old mother of four was found dead inside the belly of a 20-foot reticulated python after her husband reported her missing...

Graphic footage obtained by TMZ appeared to show locals opening up the snake’s body and finding the missing woman."

Þetta er víst einhverskonar draumur vestrænna feminista.  Veit ekki með Asíubúa.

Talandi um kvenfólk og dýr

"It was originally thought that Ms Miller - who lived in the small town of Downieville - had died before the bear arrived, and the animal had been lured to the property by her scent.

An autopsy and DNA testing recently confirmed that the bear had killed the 71-year-old."

Nammi namm.

Þetta er nánast plottið í gamalli Eddie Murphy kvikmynd

"A State Representative in New Jersey, Donald Payne Jr., died of a heart attack just weeks ago, but that didn't stop him from winning the nomination for his New Jersey seat again."

Þeir ættu að grafa hann upp og láta hann gegna embættinu.  Hann á það inni.

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