Það má ekki einu sinni keyra yfir belju núorðið

Brezka lögreglan keyrir tvisvar á kú, allir hneykzlaðir

"In a statement on Saturday following massive outrage, the Surrey Police Force in England has attempted to justify an officer’s decision to ram his police vehicle into the wayward cow, running the bovine over twice."

Gaurinn sem lak trannifestoinu á leið í djeilið

"A public records case over a leaked manifesto belonging to Audrey Hale, a transgender individual who shot up the Covenant School in a Nashville suburb - killing three 9-year-old children and three adults, has spiraled into a contentious legal battle which could see a journalist tossed in jail if he doesn't reveal his source.

The situation has stirred a significant debate about the limits of press freedom, especially when it clashes with the law’s demand for confidentiality and respect for court processes. Legal experts argue that while the public’s right to know is paramount, the integrity of judicial proceedings must also be safeguarded to ensure fair and impartial justice."

Því meira sem þeir reyna að fela þetta, því verr líta þeir út.

Tupperware flýr til Mexíkó

"The company, which has over 10,000 employees worldwide, will shut down its last production facility located in Hemingway, South Carolina, resulting in around 150 job losses between from September through till January.

Manufacturing operations will be outsourced to Tupperware’s plant in Lerma, Mexico, which already handles the majority of production for the US and Canadian markets, according to company statements to the media."

Sem minnir mig á það...

Hve mikið af CCP, Marel, Össuri og fleiri slíkum stórfyrirtækjum eru Íslensk nema að nafninu til?

Gróðinn verður til í útlöndum, og meirihlutinn af honum verður líklega þar eftir.  Með réttum bókhaldsaðferðum geta þeir skráð gróðann þar sem lægstu skattarir eru, held ég.



Þetta er það sama og mörgunafnskellingin hefur verið að reyna að gera hér á landi

"According to officials at the Institute for Justice, that’s known because the city insisted it needed the land for a “park,” but that turned out to be a “passive park” with no cleanup, no improvements, and the remnants of an old home and greenhouse left there.

The IJ explained, ‘When every legal effort to stop someone from using their property has failed, can the government simply take the land using eminent domain? That is the question at the heart of a new U.S. Supreme Court petition filed by a family-owned hardware store business whose property was taken by a small Long Island town.”"

Fólk um allan heim þarf að passa sig á Ríkinu.  Það er þjófótt með eindæmum.


Musk segir það sem allir hafa alltaf vitað

"We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high."

Það var ekki hættan, ehldur tilgangurinn.

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