Útlendar fréttir

Menn hafa verið að finna eitthvað af þeim 85.000 börnum sem Biden stjórnin hefur týnt

"Muckraker wrote on X that one government insider has supplied them with a "list of addresses where some of the 85,000 missing alien children have been delivered under the Biden administration."

In the video, a Muckraker journalist stood outside an abandoned Amityville, New York house. He said this is one of the thousands of addresses the government insider has provided them, adding this home with boarded-up windows allegedly had two migrant children delivered to a sponsor living at the house."

Mörg þeirra eru dauð núna.  Hvernig týnir maður annars 85.000 manns, svona almennt talað?

Allt gengur upp í Argentínu:


Það sem fæstir átta sig á er að verðbólga er vísvitandi búin til af ríkinu, svo ef einhver kemst til valda sem vill ekki hafa verðbólgu, á náttúrlega dregur úr verðbólgu.

Hunter Biden málið hefur áhugaverðar auka verkanir

"Hunter Biden could well become the next face of gun rights. It seems his best appeal over his gun conviction is to prove the question on that federal form asking if he’s addicted to controlled substances is unconstitutional. I believe it is."

Hrekkur sem sýnir að kerfið er rotið, og hvernig það er rotið.

Hamas stuðningsmenn gera innrás í London School of economics

"Pro-Palestine protesters have been videoed causing chaos at the London School of Economics (LSE) after a court ruled in favour of the university being able dismantle their encampment on campus.

Many were holding pro-Palestine placards and drums can be heard in the background.

Holding up signs with slogans like, ‘Global Student Revolution’, many can be heard partaking in chants."

Fjandinn hirði þá.

Google flýr SF.  Þeir eiga vissan þátt í því sjálfir að það er ekki líft þar fyrir þá.

Afganir að stinga hvern annan í Frakklandi

"Five people have been injured - with two in critical condition - after a mass stabbing in the French city of Metz.

Local media has reported that the incident involved Afghan migrants who were in a dispute, withRépublicain Lorrain mentioning a "settling of scores"."

Tónlist á þjóðlegum nótum í tilefni dagsins

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