2.7.2024 | 00:12
Hitabylgja orsakast af stjörnu
Fyrirsagnir geta verið kúnstugar
"...stjórnmálamaður í Þýskalandi, fékk í dag 16.000 evru sekt fyrir notkun á einkunnarorðum nasista..."
Hitler yrði stolur af Þýzka ríkinu.
Talandi um evrópska félagshyggjumenn...
"Protests erupted in several French cities overnight, most particularly in Paris, where thousands gathered. The New Popular Front, which represents a spectrum of left wing parties from the pro-European Union centrists to full-blooded communists has earlier threatened they would resist the result if the RN won, and the protests may be the firs throes of that, although given there is a week to run until the second round of the election actually allocates the majority of the seats and decides whether Le Pens RN can command a majority in the house or not, perhaps expect more violence next week."
Kommar höndla ekki lýðræðið.
Flórída maðurinn hatar fljúgandi vélmenni
"Dennis Winn, 72, was arrested after he allegedly shot down a Walmart Delivery drone that was making mock deliveries in his neighborhood.
According to Local 12 News, Winn fired shots at the drone because he believed it was watching him.
Winn is being charged withshooting at an aircraft, criminal mischief with damage over $1,000, and discharging a firearm on public or residential property."
Sumir segja að Davos-liðar hafi efni á niggara-forréttindum...
"Forum managers used the N-word around black employees, according to internal complaints obtained by the journal. Black people had been reportedly passed over for promotions or left out of Davos."
Öllum er í raun sama.
WEF liðið er svo Woke að það hatar alla niggara, kvenfólk og ellibelgi og ístruflön og vill senda það lið allt á hinn vestræna heim til þess að valda max tjóni.
Syngið með.
"For a long period, Kiev was considered more of a Russian city than a Ukrainian one. At least that was the case until June 1934, 90 years ago, when it became the capital of the Ukrainian SSR, replacing Kharkov."
... uhm. Já. Byrjuðu þeir ekki einmitt á að segja svipaða hluti um Krím?
Ekki verða hissa.
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