3.7.2024 | 18:19
Konungurinn yfir Frakklandi er ķ felum
Žaš er žannig.
"Over the past 12 months, thieves in the Seattle metro area have stolen over 100 electric vehicle charging cables, driven mostly by soaring copper scrap prices. This is incredibly frustrating for EV owners who arrive at these charging stations only to find severed cords and unable to charge."
Žetta er Seattle, svo... jį.
Einhver žarna śti er hlaupandi um meš žjóšsagnakennt sverš
"After remaining 1300 years wedged into a 32-feet high rock in the pleasant little French village of Rocamadour, Durandal, the sword of fabled medieval Knight Roland has reportedly disappeared, and its presumed to have been stolen."
Hinn almenni ķslendingur er magnlaus af ótta, lekur śr honum saurinn alveg. En žetta hefši geta veriš verra. Hefši geta veriš žjóšsagnakennd ryksuga.
"This fake World Davos Made in which fat is beautiful, sloth is a virtue, and pedophilia the pinnacle of human love, should have you just a teensy bit anxious.
... it really doesnt matter this time what political ring-fencing the various commies in France do to freeze out a National Front majority in the French Parliament. The tide has turned against them."
Gaurinn sem tók sveršiš žarna tekur viš af honum.
Matreišzlužįttur RFK er įgętur
"Last year Robert Kennedy Jr. texted a photograph to a friend. In the photo RFK Jr. was posing, alongside an unidentified woman, with the barbecued remains of what appears to be a dog. Kennedy told the person, who was traveling to Asia, that he might enjoy a restaurant in Korea that served dog on the menu, suggesting Kennedy had sampled dog. The photo was taken in 2010, according to the digital files metadatathe same year he was diagnosed with a dead tapeworm in his brain."
Fólk er ekki öruggt ķ frumskóginum
"A man in Indonesia made a horrific discovery yesterday when he stumbled upon a snake in the jungle - and realised it had tried to eat his wife. ...she was set upon by a gargantuan 30ft-python that sank its teeth into her leg as she trekked along a jungle trail.
Adiansa retrieved a weapon to kill the snake, stabbing a wooden stake through its body and beating it. He called villagers to help cut open its stomach, where they found Siriati's lifeless body."
Žannig fór žaš. Žaš stendur ekki hvort žeir įtu svo snįkinn.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.