Fátt getur stöðvað niðurgang Evrópu

Konungur Evrópu tilkynnir okkur hvað skal koma:

"Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home.

Klaus Schwab: ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’"

Joe Pedo... já.

Það sem fólkið vill harmónerar ekki við vilja kommúnista

"Via European Conservative (emphasis added):

German bank Berliner Volksbank has closed the donation account of the right-wing antiglobalist opposition party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) following a petition by a group calling itself Grandmothers Against the Right (Omas gegen Rechts)."

Fasisminn rís aftur.

Frakkar vilja ólmir láta múslima nauðga sér.

"While the populist right-wing party would have become the largest party if last week’s results were final, the second round of voting gave the government and political establishment the ability to rally their supporters, sparking the highest turnout in decades to thwart the Le Pen party. Macron’s faction reportedly made deals in some 200 constituencies with the far-left to undermine the populist party’s ability to gain a majority."

Verði þeim af þvi.

Niðurgangur Bretlands er fullkomnaður:

"Conservative activists saw a Trans flag flying in Conservative Party Headquarters, GB News can reveal.

While covering my first Conference in 2021, Carrie Johnson delivered a speech to the LGBT+ Conservatives, who hosted the opening dinner and closing party attended by Cabinet ministers.”

“At it, she thanked Mermaids and Stonewall -- two organisations responsible for the damaging policies and climate of censorship at Tavistock, and toxicity of the broader trans debate -- for supplying the drinks.”

Tomlinson continued: "If you cannot conserve the fundamental distinction between the sexes, which are the foundation of the family unit, then what exactly can you conserve?"

"Funnily enough, one suspects that both Putin and Corbyn would be thrilled to learn—albeit for different reasons—that the Tories have not only embraced the sterilising sexual politics of woke progressivism, but drape their own headquarters in its liturgical symbols.""

Rishi Suna ætlar að láta skera undan sér.

Fram Kristmenn Krossmenn

"This group is mobilizing an army of Christians and worshippers to flood the streets of San Francisco with a message of hope, true freedom, and the light of Jesus Christ.

“California Will Be Saved” is a movement that envisions a future where California is recognized for the Gospel of Jesus Christ."


Þeir óttast þig því þú vilt ekki limlesta börn.

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