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Evrópusambandið vildi fá Musk til að ritskoða X

"X (formerly Twitter) is facing persecution by the European Union because it rejected Brussels’ demand to secretly censor opinions on the platform, its owner Elon Musk has revealed.

“The European Commission offered X an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us,” Musk wrote in response. “The other platforms accepted that deal. X did not.”

What most bothered the EU body was that X does not allow scraping its public data by “researchers” or grant access to its application programming interface (API), as DSA mandates."

Smá STASI lykt af Evrópusambandinu núna

Ástæða þess að sósíalistar vilja ekki að fólk sé almennt vopnað:

"Colorado Finds 1 in 4 Homicides with Firearms are ‘Justifiable Self Defense’ http://dlvr.it/T9KTwZ

...25% of gun deaths were homicides, but one in four of those incidents were actually people protecting themselves from bad guys who wanted to kill them."

Fólk er að skjóta glæpamenn.  Ofbeldisfulla glæpamenn, sem við vitum af reynzlu að er uppáhalds fólk sósíalsita.  Þess vegna er ríkið nú í óða önn að flytja inn nauðgara.

Biden stjórnin er viljandi að láta smygla börnum inn fyrir landamærin í alsskonar vafasömum tilgangi

"During a round table held by Republican Senators on Tuesday, federal whistleblowers claimed that the Biden Regime is facilitating the trafficking of migrant children via contractors receiving billions of taxpayer dollars.

From White’s shocking testimony:

“What I discovered was horrifying… Make no mistake – children were not going to their parents they were being trafficked with billions of taxpayer dollars by a contractor failing to to vet sponsors and process children safely with government officials complicit in it.”"

Þetta er kerfið sem sósíalistar vilja.

Kolefnistrúarmenn gera kolefnistrúar hluti

"Far-left climate change activists doused a Tesla Cybertruck electric vehicle exhibit in Germany on Saturday in a protest against “how the super-rich deal with global warming”."

Engum dettur í hug að setja þessa aula bara í fangelsi.

Þetta er gott.

"Yes, I agree with me."


En nú, eitthvað allt annað:

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