Žaš er nśna öllum ljóst hver veršur forseti USA

Strax komiš fram hver moršinginn var

"The shooter made one singular $15 donation to the liberal ActBlue political action committee on January 20, 2021 — Biden’s Inauguration Day, the Intercept reported."

Kommśnisti, semsagt.

Sennilega eins og svo margir Ķslenskir fjölmišlamenn, sem fį hland fyrir hjartaš ķ hvert sin sem Trump er nefndur į nafn.  Heyri ķ žeim ķ hverjum fréttatķma.

Veiklundašir menn, aušveldlega dįleiddir. 


Mašurinn ku hafa klifraš upp į žak fyrir allra augum, fjöldi manna benti į hann į mešan hann var aš prila upp, į mešan hann var aš koma sér fyrir, en enginn gerši neitt.

Žaš er ekkert ķ žessi vķdjói annaš en vištali viš žennan mann, sem var vitni aš moršingja skrķšandu um uppi į žaki.  Hvaš youtube gengur til aš aldurs-hefta žaš veit ég ekki.

Hér er vištal viš annaš vitni sem segir sömu sögu

"Eyewitness tells BBC that he informed police, Secret Service about a suspicious man on a roof with a rifle. He was ignored."

Löng yfirferš Zerohedge meš mörgum hlekkjum

Jafnvel lengri pistill, meš fleiri hlekkjum

og aš lokum: višbrögš heimsleištoga

Stutt umfjöllun.

Žaš sem leftistar hafa veriš aš segja undanfarin įr:

"Two weeks before the shooting, BBC reporter David Aaronovitch wrote on X that if he were President “Biden, I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security.”

Michigan State Representative Cynthia Johnson was stripped of her committee assignments in 2020 when she warned Trump and his “trumpers” to “walk lightly,” or else her “soldiers” would “make them pay.”

Representative Dan Goldman declared that his fellow New Yorker cannot be allowed to “see public office again.”

“He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be, he has to be eliminated,” Goldman proclaimed."

Og svo framvegis...

Žetta er fóšur fyrir allskonar kenningar

"Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20 year old shooter who tried assassinating President Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last night, was featured in a BlackRock @BlackRock ad in 2023!"


Žessi beatnick er strax bśinn aš semja um atburšinn ljóš.

Safnaš fyrir fórnarlömbum

"A Donald Trump-approved GoFundMe fundraiser has raised nearly $300,000 overnight to support the victims and families of those injured and killed during the failed assassination attempt on the former president."

Žaš var jś hópur af fólki bakviš manninn.


"A man who was a victim of a would-be assassin at a Pennsylvania Trump rally on Saturday has been identified as 50-year-old Corey Comperatore. He died while shielding his wife and daughter from bullets."

Žaš er įberandi munur į stušningsmönnum Trum og andstęšingum hans.

Žetta er myndin sem Trump veršur žekktur fyrir eftir 200 įr. 

Žessi hefur sennilega alveg rett fyrir sér:

"British actor and Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox said the world is in a “spiritual war” after the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

“We are in a spiritual war. Between those who seek to defend truth. And the disciples of death,” he wrote in a social media post."

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