18.7.2024 | 20:47
Útlend málefni
Hvalur sem hefur aldrei sést lifandi finnst dauður
"Scientists hope we can now learn much more about the creature. These beaked whales spend most of their time deep in the ocean hunting for squid and fish, which keeps them a mystery to us land mammals."
"Bangladesh has been rocked by weeks of social unrest as thousands of university students protest against inequality, poverty, and the lack of job security in the South Asian country. The unrest worsened this week, forcing the government to shut down the nation's internet service to prevent further student organizing and unrest."
Eiginlega það sama:
England er alltaf eins.
"This is all about boosting the Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) stock price, which is in the toilet at less than $9 per share. Another idea floated by the studio involves splitting the streaming business and movie business from its cable TV networks."
Allt hefur verið að floppa hjá þeim.
Fyrirtæki tengt Blacrock vissi greinilega ýmislegt
"A Texas-based investment company has denied trying to short twelve million shares of Trump Media & Technology Group just before the failed assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate, claiming it was a clerical error."
An error. Mmhmm. Aha.
10 mínútur af úrkynjuðu hyski að verða fyrir bíl.
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