19.7.2024 | 20:18
Hvað eru þeir að fela?
Tilraunir til þess að ofsækja vitni fá á sig ýmsar myndir.
"Social services and police remove children from an imported family, clearly a safeguarding issue.
So the other imported families, to prove they're respectable and responsible, burn down the area.
The police are so scared of being labelled racist they are literally willing to let the country burn."
Þarna hefði smá rasism bjargað miklu.
Láttu mig þekkja það.
Blackrock kemur aðeins of oft við sögu í þessu máli
"The building that the sniper was on, part of a complex that also included other snipers working for federal authorities who have not yet been disclosed, is owned by a company called American Glass Research.
American Glass Research has now been identified as partially-owned by BlackRock investments, and whose Executives are formerly with Pfizer."
Tilviljun? Það veit ég ekki.
Kínverjar mæla eindregið með JD Vance
"Vances speech displays a clear inward or insular tendency, reflecting his aversion to economic globalization, the state outlet explained, citing expert Professor Diao Daming, a regular commentator for the Times. Vances remarks also indicate that some Republicans continue to strongly advocate for the continuation of strategic competition with China, with a more pronounced confrontational stance.
Another regularly cited Global Times expert, researcher Lü Xiang, lamented that Vance was promoting what is becoming an increasingly intense attitude towards containing China. Lü warned that confronting Chinas vast amount of threatening activity from intellectual property theft to monopolization of global manufacturing to genocide, slavery, and colonization would threaten global peace and development."
Svona lof er sjaldséð.
Óeirðir í London vegna óeirða í Bangladesh
"The Metropolitan police has said additional police resources will be on duty in Whitechapel, east London this evening, after significant disorder between rival groups within the Bangladeshi community.
Scotland Yard said the scenes of violence between two large groups of people were linked to the violent protests which have played out in Bangladesh in recent days."
Fjölbreytileikinn er styrkur. "Styrkur" merkir á endalaust ofbeldi á ofbeldi ofan um alla eilífð.
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