Beinlaus með beinum

7 dýrustu fyrirtækin hafa fallið smá í verði undanfarið

"Since peaking on July 10th, the market cap of the Magnificent 7 stocks has dropped a mind-numbering $2 trillion.

And the biggest three week underperformance of Nasdaq vs Small Caps since the very peak of the DotCom bubble."

Karma lögreglan er á sveimi

"Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune (TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday.

It was reported that he had received a COVID-19 vaccination.

In recent times, Driscoll had been vocal about NFL star Aaron Rodgers’ controversial views on COVID-19 vaccines. He accused Rodgers of engaging in “performance art” after the latter warned people about potential side effects of mRNA vaccines."


Fólk hefur ekki lengur efni á kampavíni

"when champagne sales drop, as they have in 2024 across the globe, the experts start asking why people are less cheerful.

The CFO of luxury holdings company LVMH, which owns brands like Louis Vuitton and Moët et Chandon, believes it has to do with consumers feeling happy enough to celebrate.

‘Champagne is quite linked with celebration, happiness, et cetera.'

‘Maybe the current global situation, be it geopolitical or macroeconomic, does not lead people to cheer up and to open bottles of Champagne. I don't really know,' Guiony said."

Þeir segja allskonar hluti.

Beinlaus kjúklingur, nú með beinum

"Consumers must be aware that “boneless chicken” may actually have bones in it, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled after a man sued a restaurant and poultry processors when a piece of a bone he was not expecting went down his windpipe and caused serious medical problems."

Menn gera ýmislegt fyrir flott jútúbvídjó

"A teenager has been charged in connection with a train derailment that occurred in Lancaster County, Nebraska earlier this year. The 17-year-old , who was arrested on Wednesday, faces two counts of criminal mischief over $5,000, both class IV felonies.

He is accused of having deliberately flipped a switch to derail the train in order to capture the ensuing carnage that caused $350,000 in damages. Film of the carnage was later posted on a YouTube channel believed to belong to the teen where it was called it the “MOST INSANE VIDEO I’VE EVER TAKEN!”"

Ekki clickbait í þetts skifti.

Kofi til sölu í NY ef einhver hefur áhuga

"Known as the “Little House,” the Flemish-inspired carriage house has become one of Gramercy’s most iconic buildings in recent decades, its charming single-story facade in increasing contrast with the surrounding buildings and borough at large."

Getur verið þitt fyri $7 milljónir.

Ekki gott fermetraverð.  Og í NY, sem er ferleg staðsetning.

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