Í dag er vissulega dagur


"A 22-year-old man was arrested this week after allegedly stealing a Seattle Fire Department truck, according to KOMO

On Wednesday morning, the man rode a scooter to the truck, entered it, activated the lights and sirens, and attempted to drive away around 3:30 a.m. on the 9200 block of Second Avenue Southwest.

The suspect couldn't deactivate the parking brake and only managed to drive around the corner before exiting the vehicle, the report said."

Tilraun var gerð.

Leftistar hugsa þetta aldrei alla leið.

Það verða engin eftirköst af þessu

"On Thursday, three young teens arrested for bringing loaded guns modified to be fully automatic to a crowded Seattle parade pleaded not guilty in court. Despite the charges, a judge released one of the suspects to home monitoring."

Alls engin.

Á meðan í Frakklandi

"The Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics sparked outrage last night after the iconic painting of The Last Supper was reimagined by drag queens."

Allt sem ég heyri af ólymp´+iuleikunum er furðulegt og óskiljanlegt.

Ofbeldishneigðir kommúnistar stefna á fjöldasamkomu andstæðinga barnanauðgara

"Anti-racism protesters have started to march towards a thousands-strong Tommy Robinson rally in central London.

The counter-demonstrators will end up in less than 400 metres from a 'patriotic rally' amid a heavy police presence and warnings from the Met that any troublemakers will be arrested.

The 'Uniting The Kingdom' event, which has been billed as a 'patriotic rally' has seen people gather on The Strand, before marching to Trafalgar Square.

There was a sea of British, English, Scottish and Welsh flags, as well as people waving symbols of Israel, the former Shah of Iran and the military heraldry."

Þessi Tommy Robinsson aftur, sem hefur lengi verið hataður fyrir að mótmæla barnanauðgunum.

Það er víst ekkert meira woke en að vera barnanauðgari.

Ameræiskur geimfari á fyrirtæki sem framleiðir kínverka njósne-loftbelgi

"Mr. Kelly has also not faced the harsh spotlight of a national campaign, and has potential political liabilities like a high-altitude surveillance balloon company he helped found with Chinese venture capital"


Heimurinn í dag.

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