Af vefnum ķ dag, 8.8.24

Falsfréttamišill er oršinn svo gott sem veršlaus

"Warner Bros. has eliminated more than 2,000 positions over the past year and slashed 100 jobs at CNN last month.

The write down confirmed that legacy cable channels like CNN and TNT are no longer worth what they were when the $42 billion merger was completed. In fact, judging by the ongoing mass layoffs at the former, one can argue that CNN's value is now negative and will continue to be so until it stops hemorrhaging cash."

Žetta var CNN.

Ritskošunar-fyrirtęki leggur upp laupana

"The Global Alliance for Responsible Media has decided to "discontinue activities" after a lawsuit filed against them by Elon Musk's X and the Rumble platform. The group was under fire for antitrust violations after they had orchestrated ad boycotts of both platforms using their monopoly."

Góšar fréttir gerast stundum.

Bresk yfirvöld eru vanheil į allan hįtt

"We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media. Their job is to look for this material and then follow up with identification, arrests, and so forth."

Žeir eru fyrir löngu byrjašir į žessu.  Sem er ein af“įstęšum žess aš žaš uršu uppžot.

Grķmu-dólgar bannašir

"Nassau County Republicans passed the "Mask Transparency Act" on Monday, making it a misdemeanor for anyone 16 and older to wear a face mask in public spaces except for health and religious reasons. This move aims to curb criminals or violent protesters who exploit mask-wearing to conceal their identities."

Žaš er enn einn og einn śrkynjašur fįviti meš svona grķmu.

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