X com

Rt hefur skrifaš allt Musk - Trump samtališ nišur.

"Technical issues appear to have stalled the interview, with X users reporting that they are unable to access a ‘Spaces’ link to the conversation shared by Trump. The former president’s campaign staff put the technical difficulties down to the sheer number of people attempting to tune in, with aide Chris LaCivita declaring that the interview “broke the internet.”"

Sumir segja DDOS...

"Musk opened the conversation by asking Trump about the attempt on his life in July, calling the former president’s resilience “inspiring.” Trump said that he knew instantly what was happening, and heard bullets flying overhead as he ducked behind the podium in Pennsylvania."

Og svo framvegis.

Ég veit ekki hvaš er eiginlega į seiši ķ Venezuela

"In an interview published on Monday by EFE, the main opponent of Venezuelan dictator Nicolįs Maduro, Marķa Corina Machado, asserted that Edmundo Gonzįlez Urrutia, an opposition figure and political candidate, will be sworn in as president in January 2025.

Meanwhile, according to the WSJ, the Biden administration is attempting to negotiate an amnesty for Nicolįs Maduro so he can leave power without facing accountability for the crimes he has committed, as reported by TGP."

Fauci er alltaf aš fį flensu

"I got infected about about two weeks ago, it was my third infection, and I have been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times."

Segir Fauci.

Ég tek eftir žessu mešal fólks sem ég žekki.  Fįšu sprautu, fįšu Kķa-Kvefiš.  Aftur og aftur.

ADE... ?

Sumir  vilja meina aš youtube kellingin sem dó um daginn hafi fengiš krabba vegna sprautunnar.  Sem er alveg lķklegta.


Hindśar vs Mśslimar

"A Hindu mob in Ghaziabad, India, attacked a group of Muslims on Friday night, apparently as an act of revenge for Muslim mobs targeting Hindus in Bangladesh following the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina last week."


Ķ Bretlandi er gaur sem berst viš mįva

"North Yorkshire's ‘Gull Champion' is fighting the "seagull menace gripping coastal communities" this summer.

The spate of seagull muggings and the filth they create has caused a drop in business for Caffe Italia."

Reynzla žeirra sem hafa reynt svona lagaš ķ fortķšinni hefur öll veriš į einn veg.

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1 Smįmynd: Loncexter

Blessašur sé Bond. Passa upp į aš ,,rangar" uppl. fari ekki į netiš og vķšar. Love him !

Loncexter, 13.8.2024 kl. 17:51

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Hvaš ętli sś mynd vęri köluš?

"Gold dentures."

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 14.8.2024 kl. 16:01

3 Smįmynd: Loncexter

Lķklegra vęri žaš: licence to kill the truth !

Loncexter, 14.8.2024 kl. 16:41

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