15.8.2024 | 15:19
Enginn heilvita maður heldur að CNN sé alvöru fréttastöð lengur
"Pro-Palestine Protesters STORM into Democratic After party event following Kamala Harris Campaign, SMOKE BOMBS set off at the outdoor restaurant, MASS ARRESTS
Several demonstrators against Israel's military campaign in Gaza were booted from the Democratic gathering in Harlem, where Mayor Eric Adams gave an impassioned speech
The angry mob of around 50 protesters even stormed into the restaurant Bird in Hand on Broadway and West 146th Street as stunned patrons looked on, according to footage from the scene."
Leftistar að gera leftista hluti.
L33t haxor hefur stolið kennitölum allra bandarílkamanna
"About four months after a notorious hacking group claimed to have stolen an extraordinary amount of sensitive personal information from a major data broker, a member of the group has reportedly released most of it for free on an online marketplace for stolen personal data."
Hver þarf þetta ekki?
Brezka ríkinu er mjög illa við frelsi, svona almennt
"Nottingham Magistrates Court heard the posts were alleged to contain anti-Muslim and anti-establishment rhetoric.
The court heard Mr ORourke had allegedly expressed support for the recent riots and offered advice on how to remain anonymous to his 90,000 followers."
Þeir eru bara í fílu vegna þess að hann skar ekki hausinn af einu einasta barni.
Nazistar huggjast mæta á fund í Chicago
"The convention is expected to celebrate Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president and Tim Walz as the nominee for vice president.
However, the city is bracing for what could be a perfect storm of chaos. With the possibility of up to 100,000 pro-Hamas protesters flooding the streets, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) is preparing for the worst."
Fjandans nazistar.
"Two US-made Stryker infantry fighting vehicles were hit by Lancet loitering munitions in the Russian border areas where fighting is taking place, according to the ministry."
Þeir virðast taka þessa Kursk innrás mátulega alvarlega
"The Federal Security Service must work with the National Guard as part of the counter-terrorist regime and effectively counter the enemys sabotage and reconnaissance groups. The National Guard has its own combat objectives too.
Putin thus only considers this attack to be an act of terrorism and not a full-fledged invasion for now."
... já.
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