Í öðrum löndum, langt í burtu

Þetta eru Rússar að tilkynna okkur:

"NATO is planning to deploy an armored brigade in Finland to serve as a deterrent against Russia, newspaper Iltalehti reported on Thursday, citing sources within the US-led military bloc and the government in Helsinki."

Ekki ósýnilegir.

Á meðan, í Afganistan

"The Taliban's morality ministry dismissed more than 280 members of the security force for failure to grow a beard, and detained more than 13,000 people in Afghanistan for 'immoral acts' in the past year, officials said"


Má ekki vera týzkuslys í Afganistan.

Í Bretlandi:

"Officers said they were "confronted" and attacked as they investigated an abandoned, uninsured car at the airport's Terminal Two yesterday morning."

Og meira:

"Two men have been stabbed in the car park of London's Chessington World of Adventures."

Þetta hnífabann þeirra virðist ekkert hafa gert annað en auka á hnífsstungur.

Biden-Herris stjórnin vill gera atómbomburnar samkynhneigðar

"The Biden-Harris administration appointed Sneha Nair as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration in February 2024. She is on a mission to arrest what she believes is “white supremacy” with a view to “queering nuclear weapons,” Fox News reports."

Það er ekki hægt að vera asnalegri en þetta fólk.

Á meðan, í Indlandi

"Africa is an emerging market for Indian exports to expand rapidly, commerce secretary Sunil Barthwal said on Thursday, adding that New Delhi is considering doubling exports to African countries to $200 billion by 2030 by focusing on potential areas such as automobiles, agro-products, pharmaceuticals, and logistics."

Allt gengur vel hjá þeim.

Stutt sögulegt ágrip.

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