25 8 2024, hvað er að ske?

Evrópusambandið er óvinur almennings nr. 1

"Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was just arrested in France after stepping off his plane. He now sits in a French jail, charged with terrorism, trafficking and money laundering. All for refusing to censor at the behest of governments and intel agencies.

The Russian-born Durov notably left Russia in 2014 after he refused to comply with demands to shut down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he has since sold. He now lives in Dubai, where Telegram is based, and holds dual citizenship in France and the UAE."

Rússarnir handtóku hann ekki...

Yfirmaður Rumble flýr frá Frakklandi

"Rumble CEO Chris Pavolvski announced on Sunday that he has escaped France and departed communist Europe.

Pavlovski, who runs one of the largest social media companies in the world in Rumble, has always vowed to make his platform an oasis for free speech unlike the far-left tyrants at Google-YouTube who allow leftists to spew unlimited amount of lies but will not allow conservative voices a voice on the platform without restrictions."

Það þarf að passa sig á kommúnistunum.


Evrópusambandið lét gera tölvuleik

"One might find it ironic that a game about rebel queers fighting the government was actually co-funded by government through the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union (at least $168,000).  ESG strikes again."

Hér er einhver að spila þetta fyrirbæri í gegn, svo þið þurfið þess ekki


Trassaskapur hefur afleiðingar

"According to information obtained by German paper of record Die Welt, 26-year-old Issa Al H., the Syrian asylum seeker who surrendered himself to police on Saturday after the mass stabbing in Solingen, was supposed to be deported in 2023.

However, following his deportation order, Issa Al H. disappeared from his residence in the Western German city of Paderborn. He re-appeared several months later, but rather than removing him, he was reportedly granted “subsidiary protection” for people from countries with civil wars and transferred to a refugee centre in Solingen, where Friday’s attack took place."

Það var nú ágætt.



Rússar eru komnir í bjórinn aftur

"Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage among Russians, accounting for 51% of total alcohol sales since the beginning of the year, the Moscow city news agency reported on Thursday, citing data by IT company Atol.

Wine was the second most consumed alcohol product in the country and made up 23% of sales in the alcoholic drinks category, according to the report."

Kommúnisminn breiðir úr sér.

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