Forstjóri Toyota verður handtekinn í náinni framtíð

Menn fagna af miklum krafti í USA

"Riggs, 22, ascended to the top of his vehicle and began pumping his fist. However, after a few fist raises, Riggs suddenly grabbed his shoulder and indicated he was hurt. 

“I dislocated my shoulder,” Riggs said after the race. “I was celebrating so hard. It hurts like a mug, but hey, it was worth it. It’s not the first time it’s happened to me, but it ain’t gonna slow me down.”"

Riggs... hmm...


Fiskur & ranskar verða fyrirbyggjanlega dýr

"According to July figures, the cost of fish and chips has surged by around 52% to nearly £10 ($13) per serving from an average of £6.5 in July 2019. According to the ONS, the cost of the popular dish has seen the largest increase over the reporting period in comparison to pizza, kebabs, and Indian and Chinese food."

Það gengur allt á afturfótunum í UK.

Fólk er ekki að skynja aðstæður

"Jersey girl tried to pet a tiger at the zoo and things unfolded exactly like you’d expect

After snatching her arm back from the literal jaws of death, Dennis turned around to pose, which means she probably has an accomplice somewhere filming this for a viral video.

As it turns out, the police also watch viral videos of people committing crime.

Zyair was charged with "defiant trespassing" and violating two city ordinances!"

Kis kis.

Á meðan, í El Salvador.

Zuck er svoddan auli

"Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg admitted on Monday that the Biden-Harris administration pressured the platform to censor Americans, and that he went along with it and did their bidding, censoring and suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story of October 2020, and other things."

Það eru engir á FB núna aðrir en náriðlar, pedófílar og gamalmenni.

Fjarlægar plánetur

"Researchers using the James Webb Telescope have discovered six distant “rogue” worlds that may have peculiar origins.

What’s uncommon is that none of the planet-sized bodies, all between five and 15 times Jupiter’s mass, orbit a star, as the Earth does to the sun."

Sumarleyfisstaður framtíðarinar.


Þýzka lögreglan plaffar á leiðindasegg

"German police on Tuesday said they had shot dead a man suspected of attacking passers-by with knives in the western town of Moers, days after a deadly knife attack in nearby Solingen.

Officers were able to locate a 26-year-old German suspect who "attacked (them) with two knives in his hands", the police said.

Police shot at the man who was "fatally injured as a result" but no other people were injured, they said."

Þegar sekúndur skifta máli berst hjálpin eftir nokkrar mínútur.

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