
Fitubolla fer í fýlu

"One of the more ridiculous foreign data requests that Gab received (and turned down) from Germany was when they wanted us to dox a user for calling a female politician fat."


Hún er vissulega mjög feit.

mRNA sprautan?

Maður spyr sig

Það ætti þá að byrja að draga úr þessu um og eftir 2030.

Þetta fer ekkert í burtu.

Á ,meðan, í London

"A man in a wheelchair has been stabbed to death in a street fight in east London."

Ehm... ha?

Borðið pöddurnar og búið í hylkinu

"Earlier this year, NPR's Code Switch, Gene Demby and NPR reporter Huo Jingnan discussed, "The conspiracy theory alleges that a shadowy global elite conspires to control the world's population, in part by forcing them to eat insects." 

This leaves us with a new report from The Telegraph titled "Public will get the bug for eating insects under Government-backed drive." "

Saltaður múkki ku vera ljúffengur.  Hollari en pöddur, get ég lofað.

Bardagi tefur flug

"A cobra and a mongoose treated an airplane runway like a boxing ring, viciously attacking one another and causing havoc in India.

The airplane’s takeoff was delayed after the pilot spotted the creatures scrapping on the tarmac in Patna, Bihar, as seen in a viral video."

Auðvitað er vídjó.

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