Gato Negro

Musk vs einhver skúrkur í Brazilíu

"On Friday, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre De Moraes ordered social media platform X to be 'immediately suspended' in the country, citing the company's refusal to comply with a legal order to censor the judge's political opponents.

What's more, Moraes has also threatened Brazilians who use a VPN to access X with a fine equivalent to US$8,900.

That said, Moraes may be in hot water with the Brazilian BAR association (OAB) - which is investigating the daily fines against users accessing X.

"It is necessary that the measures occur within constitutional and legal limits, ensuring individual freedoms," said OAB President Beto Simonetti. "The application of a fine or any sanction can only occur after the deaftory and the broad defense assured – never in a prior and summary way.""

Brazilískir lögfræðingar almennt vilja ekki víkja frá réttarríkis-hugmyndinni.

Fólk almennt veit ekki hvað réttarríki er.  Mæli með að menn googli það.

Fasistar óttast uppgang hægri-öfgamanna

"The AfD party has grown by embedding itself in the local level, where it has common-sense policies that normalize their existence away from the caricature of itself painted by the globalist goons.

AfD’s surge in support comes despite the persecution it suffers from state-level domestic intelligence authorities."

Fjandans AfD, það má ekki einu sinni nauðga börnum í friði fyrir þeim.  Hvað þá skera af þeim hausinn.  Þá er fokið í flest skjól fyrir Glóbalistana.

Allar löggurnr segja upp störfum vegna þess að bæjarstjórinn er svo mikil grybba

"A Tennessee town has lost its entire police force after every officer quit in protest of the new female mayor's alleged excessive "micromanaging." The now-former police chief told WTVF that he had no choice but to leave the department after Alexandria Mayor Beth Tripp attempted to control the officers' every move, despite having "no experience" in policing."

Hún hlýtur að geta séð um þetta sjálf.

Rússar eru jákvæðir

"The Russian economy is growing at a faster pace than projected, with GDP expected to soar 3.9% this year, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced on Friday."

Þeir hafa það betra með hverjum degi.

Á meðan í USA...

Áframhaldandi stemming í Þýzkalandi

"Police arrested a 32-year-old woman after six people were hurt in a knife attack on a bus headed to a festival in western Germany. Authorities said Saturday that there was no evidence of a political or religious motive."

Hún var sennilega bara að halda uppá yfirvofandi hnífabann.

Enginn veit fyllilega hvað er að gerast í Kína.

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