Hells Angels vs eitthvað glæpagengi frá Venezuela

Írakar þurfa betri áhugamál

"The latest movement to latch on to this sense of despair, shocking the country and prompting a fierce state crackdown, is a religious group that practices a system of lottery-based suicide. The Allahiyah movement, also known as the Qurban ("sacrifice") group, is thought to have formed in Basra and Dhi Qar in early 2020 and has as many as 2,500 adherents."

Menn geta ekki bara spilað Mario kart.  Það þarf alltaf að vera eitthvað skrítið.

Peningarnir voru ekki gefins eftir allt saman

"A glitch at Chase Bank went viral on TikTok over the weekend, enabling customers to withdraw large sums of money from ATMs despite having insufficient funds in their accounts. This issue appeared to allow users to deposit fake checks and immediately withdraw the funds before they cleared, leading many to believe they had successfully manipulated the banking system.

However, they made a vital mistake in thinking that the bank could be outsmarted so easily, as Chase was quick to fix the bug, and within one day many individuals who participated in the trend were left grappling with holds on their accounts and massive negative balances."

Hraðbankinn er ekki tölvuleikur.

Vinstri-öfgamenn eru ekki sáttið við lýðræðið... að venju

"Far-left extremists protested on Sunday night in Dresden, Germany following the election victories by the AfD party in Saxony and Thuringia.

The radical left has a long history of violence and assault on AfD candidates in Germany – this comes after years of the far left media smearing the moderate German party."

Kommúnistar geta huggað sig við að Nazistaflokkurinn "Sahara Kerrudrengur" kom manni inn.

Barátta Rússa við Nazista tekur engan enda

"The West has always wanted to dismantle Russia and has gone as far as joining forces with the Nazis in Ukraine in an attempt to achieve this goal, Moscow’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov has said."

Það skemmtilegasta við þetta er að það er alveg rétt sem hann er að segja.

Á meðan, í Colorado:

Hells Angels.  Aha.  Frábært.  Þetta ætti að vera áhugavert.

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