Lesið dagbók frægasta morðóða trannans

Trannifestóið er komið út, eftir langa bið

"All 90 pages of Nashville transgender shooter Audrey Hale manifesto was released by The Tennessee Star on Tuesday.

You can download Audrey Hale’s manifesto here."

Og það eru tilvitnanir: "“No brown girls, no love”

“Brown love is the most beautiful kind”"

VW í kröggum

"Germany-based Volkswagen (VW) is considering closing plants in its home country as automakers in the European Union (EU) grapple with a flood of cheap China-made cars that are increasingly making up a share of auto sales in the continent."

Eru menn eitthvað bættari með kínavagninn?  Efast.

Glæpagengi frá Venezuela leggur undir sig blokk í Chicago

"Chicago, another sanctuary city that welcomed tens of thousands of illegal aliens during the Biden-Harris administration's first term, is now facing what could be third-world-like conditions similar to the chaos seen in the Denver suburb of Aurora.

One X user responded to the journalist, "Officers showed up 2 hours after the call. You're a journalist. Why don't you go to the apartment complex and interview the residents to find out what they saw? Are you interested in the truth?""

Hver reddar þessu, Hells Angels eða einhverjir local gangsterar?

Það verðum amk ekki lögreglan.

Musk vs Kommúnistar

"Tech mogul Elon Musk has vowed to seek the seizure Brazilian government assets in the US, if Brazil does not return property belonging to his companies X (formerly Twitter) and Space X.

“Hope Lula enjoys flying commercial,” the billionaire added, referring to Brazilian President Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva."


Músliminn hrellir júðann mjög

"A new bus route has been launched in London to “help Jews feel safe when they travel”, as antisemitism has surged across the capital following Hamas’ attack on Israel last year."

Breska ríkið gerir allt rangt.

Svona svipað og Íslenska ríkið, nema bara á undan.

Þetta er alltaf eins: ríkið býr til vandamál, og notar það sem afsökun til þess að gera vandamálið verra, sem aftur er notað sem afsökun til þess að auka enn meira á vandamálið.

Fólk fellur alltaf fyrir þessu.

Sjálfseyðingarhvöt eða heimska?  Bæði, kannski.

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