Stórfótur sást klifra á fjalli

Bolsonaro stendur fyrir mótmælum

"Several notable X accounts, including journalist Michael Shellenberger, are reporting from Sao Paulo's main boulevard, where tens of thousands have gathered today in opposition to far-left Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes that recently blocked X nationwide. 

The crowd was absolutely enormous. Without a doubt one of the largest free speech protests in history."


Mörgþúsund manns.

Það er meira:

"What's happening with censorship in Brazil goes all the way to the top. Just ONE MONTH into Lula's term, President Biden and President Lula met in Washington & SPECIFICALLY pledged the US government would "work together" with Brazil's government to stamp out "disinformation.""

Yfirvöld vilja ekki að fólk frétti neitt.


Elon stefnir á Mars

"SpaceX is planning its first unmanned Starships to Mars journey in two years when the Earth is closest to Mars in order to assess the logistics of landing on the neighboring planet. If all goes according to plan, SpaceX plans to send astronauts to Mars within the next two years after that.

Musk said that by extending humanity’s interest in space travel from the moon to Mars will “vastly increase the probable lifespan of consciousness” as “we will no longer have all our eggs, literally and metabolically, on one planet.”"

Cybertruck passar vel á Mars.

Svarti maðurinn hefur skynjað hver óvinurinn er

""The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man." - Malcolm X."

Ekki rangt.

Já.  Því ekki?

Kamala ræður kolefnistrúarmann sem vill eyða mannkyni til að breyta veðrinu

"Vice President Kamala Harris’ new “Climate Engagement Director,” Camila Thorndike, has a history of promoting radical climate change proposals, including expressing hesitation about having children due to concerns about the planet's future."

Svona fólk dó bara fyrir 200 árum.  Nú vex það úr grasi.

Menn þykjast hafa komið auga á risa

"two American hikers were left astonished after encountering what can be described as a ‘frightening 20-foot-tall figure’ that is seen clinging to the side of a Colorado mountain.

Jessee Clauson and Camille Avarella were descending Longs Peak in the Rockies when they accidentally caught the lanky gray creature on camera – as it appeared to scale the crag."

Ef það er ekki stórfótur, þá er það Elvis.

Þetta gerðist.

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