Kisa er ęt

Haitimenn eru eins og engisprettur

"The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals."

Žetta var plataš innį fólk.


Žessi fyrirsögn:

"Chinese Spy Lover Eric Swalwell Has a Complete Meltdown on the House Hearing Over Trump Cat Memes"

Katta-mķm, jį?

"Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell went on a fiery rant during a House Judiciary Committee hearing over memes featuring President Trump hugging ducks and kittens.

Residents recounted disturbing stories, like witnessing immigrants “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them,” and a horrifying incident where a cat was reportedly hung from a tree branch and carved up.

These alarming stories prompted a wave of online memes mocking the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to protect not just American citizens, but even animals."

Geršu heimskulega hluti, fįšu fyndin mķm.

Ekki meira ókeypis Playstation fyrir Śkraniu

"The Japanese company waived subscription fees for Ukraine in March 2022, as an expression of support for Kiev in its conflict with Moscow, while suspending services and support in Russia.

“We want to inform you that your free access to PlayStation Plus will end in November 2024,” said a note sent out to Ukrainian users by Sony on Tuesday.

The special program has ended, but subscribers have been issued a 30-day voucher for September and will be given another for October, Sony said. As of November 7, users will be returned to their previous subscription plan at the same price."

Ekki meira Mario kart, bara strķš.

Doritos gerir mżs gegnsęar

"A food dye that helps give certain sodas and snacks their hallmark orange hue renders mouse skin almost completely see-through in a reversible, potentially non-toxic research method that could transform medical and scientific imaging. Because of a counterintuitive fundamental physics principle, Tartrazine, also known as Yellow 5, can temporarily turn biological tissue transparent to the naked eye, as described in a study published September 5 in the journal Science."

Snišugt. Prófum žetta.


Žetta er aš gefa jafn vel og Alec Baldwin.

Musk bendir į aš įstandiš gęti veriš verra

"Billionaire Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, quickly chimed in on social media, lambasting conservative Senator JD Vance for amplifying these allegations.

“Weird. JD Vance repeats baseless claims that Haitian immigrants are eating pets as Ohio officials say there is no evidence,” Khosla tweeted.

But Elon Musk was not having it and fired back with a bombshell tweet.

“Could be worse, I suppose…” Musk wrote, attaching an article about violent cannibal gangs in Haiti who have allegedly been “eating people they’ve killed” in the streets."

Kommarnir vilja aš Hętķmenn borši kettina og mśslimar naušgi börnunum eftir aš barnageldarar skera kynfęrin af žeim.

Kęmi mér ekki į óvart aš kommarnir žrįi ekkert heitar en aš vera étnir.


Eitthvaš allt annaš.

Ruggero Deodato spįir ķ framtķšina... eša žannig.

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