Stöšugar vinsęldir žręlahalds

Ekkert aš sjį hér

"Military analyst Elijah Magnier has told Al Jazeera that Hezbollah relies heavily on the so-called pagers to avoid Israel intercepting its members’ communications.

He also suggested that these devices might have been pre-tampered before they were dispersed among Hezbollah members.

“This is not a new system. It has been used in the past,” he said. “So in this case there has been involvement of a third party … to allow access … to remotely activate the explosion,” he said."

Viš bśum ķ sęberpönk dystópķu.  Lélegri svoleišs, meira aš segja.

Kanadamenn eru of śrkynjašir fyrr geimferšir

"As Canada prepares to send an astronaut on the first manned moon mission in more than 50 years, its own military has commissioned a $32,250 report on how space exploration may actually be ‘racist, exploitative, elitist, and environmentally destructive.'"

Jęja.  Engir trannar og barnanaušgarar ķ geimnum, žį.

GoFundMe óttast ryksugur

"GoFundMe cancels fund for Canadian women charged with armed assault for accidentally spraying neighbor with toy water gun

Consider the GoFundMe campaigns for legal defense for people like Quindarius Zachary, who was charged for committing a drive-by shooting targeting members of a rival gang in Atlanta.

Zachary used a real gun, Washik a water gun, but GoFundMe only canceled one of their legal defense funds."

GoFundMe kemst žį ekki śt ķ geim.

RT er žį įreišanlegasti fjölmišillinn

"US tech giant Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, has banned several Russian news networks, including RT. Since the escalation of the Ukraine conflict in 2022, Meta has been cooperating with a prohibition on RT imposed by the EU and other individual Western nations.

In a statement on Monday, the company said the deplatforming of the media outlets from its apps is due to “foreign interference activity” and would be implemented globally over the next several days."

Gott aš fį žaš stašfest.


Žręlahald snżr aftur, hęgt en örugglega

"... the think tank America 2100, [...] first revealed that the town's population of Haitian migrants exploded by 2,000% over the past two years.

As far as what is visible by residents, they explained the primary reason the Haitians were dumped into the town was because of Fourth Street Foods, a food manufacturer that produces quality frozen food products for the processed foods industrial complex.

Let's remind readers in March, we penned a note titled "How Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Migrants To Exploit Cheap Labor," which is possibly how this entire scheme is being operated. The federal government alone can't possibly plan shelter and transportation arrangements for the migrants."

Aušvitaš borša žeir ketti, žeir fį ekki nóg borgaš til aš kaupa mat.  Ef svo vęri, žį žyrfti ekki aš flytja žį inn.

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