Raunverulegur og ekta sannleikur

Formaður strafsgreinasambandisns býr víst ekki á Íslandi

"Vil­hjálm­ur Birg­is­son, formaður Starfs­greina­sam­bands­ins vill kalla er­lenda sér­fræðinga til lands­ins til þess að gera út­tekt á því af hverju Ísland sé dýr­asta land í heimi..."

Við erum dáldið að keppa við Sádí Arabíu... en hvað um það.  Hér er allt dýrt vegna hárra skatta.

Og það má ekki lækka skattana, að sögn vegna þess að þá er ekki til peningur í heilbrigðiskerfi, skóla og vegi.

Í raun er ríkið mest bara að stela þessum peningi, með "göfum til úkraníu," einhverju kolefnis-dóti, sem hver heilvita maður er búinn að átta sig á fyrir 10 árum að er ekkert nema openingaþvottur (sem skýrir sjúklegan ótta ríkisins við peningaþvott, þeir stunda svo helvíti mikið af honum sjálfir) og almenna sóun.

Ég meina, auðveldlega fjórðungur alls skattfés sóast í meðförum ríkisins vegna óþarfa fasteigna og mannahalds.

Þetta eru í raun allt aðgengilegar upplýsingar.  Hann getur hreinlega flett þessu upp sjálfur.

Ísraelar komnir í stríð við Líbanon

"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said it carried out airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon on Wednesday. This comes after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced “a new phase” of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza and pro-Palestinian militants in Lebanon."

Íslenska ríkið iðar í skinninu að fá að fjármagna þetta.


Af hverju gerir íslenska lögreglan þetta ekki?

"That's right. San Francisco's finest are out on the streets dressed in giant chicken costumes to entrap drivers that won't slow down at crosswalks.

Lt. Jonathan Ozol wore a flamboyant, inflatable chicken costume as he attempted to navigate a crosswalk."

Hann var ekki að búa neitt til þegar hann sagðist vera pimp

"Here is a compilation of the alleged abuse by Combs — who has also been known as “Puff Daddy,” “P. Diddy,” “Diddy,” “PD,” and “Love” — according to the indictment.

  • Combs “abused, threatened, and coerced women and others around him to fulfill his sexual desires, protect his reputation, and conceal his conduct.”
  • Combs, through his business empire, created “a criminal enterprise” whose members engaged in or tried to engage in “sex trafficking, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and obstruction of justice,” among other crimes.
  • Combs “engaged in persistent and pervasive pattern of abuse toward women and other individuals,” which included “verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual” abuse.
  • Combs “manipulated women to participate in highly orchestrated performances of sexual activity with male commercial sex workers.”
  • Combs, and others acting at his direction, arranged for women and sex workers to fly to his location, where he “ensured participation from the women” by “obtaining and distributing narcotics to them, controlling their careers, leveraging his financial support and threatening to cut off the same, and using intimidation and violence.”
  • Combs “assaulted women” by “striking, punching, dragging, throwing objects at, and kicking them,” and also engaged in “violence” against “employees, witnesses to his abuse, and others.”
  • Combs “attempted to bribe” a member of hotel security staff who intervened during a 2016 instance “to ensure silence.” The incident, which was caught on film, showed Combs kicking, dragging, and throwing a vase at a woman.
  • Combs used his business and employees to “carry out, facilitate, and cover up his abuse and commercial sex.”

In addition to that, Combs “led a criminal enterprise” called Combs Enterprise, which “existed to facilitate his abuse and exploitation of women, to protect his reputation, and to conceal his conduct,” the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York alleges."

Hann er sko enginn poser.  Keepin' it real.

Þetta á alls ekki eftir að koma í bakið á þeim á neinn hátt, alls ekki

"The Minister of Migration has now announced it will pay up to $34,000 for migrants to return to their home of origin."

Slæm hugmynd.

Betri hugmynd: ekki boga þeim neitt.  Þá fara þeir allir innan mánaðar.

Mest raunverulega og ekta auglýsing frá upphafi alheimsins.

« Síðasta færsla


1 Smámynd: Rúnar Már Bragason

Kominn Vilhjálmur er samkvæmur sjálfum sér. Vill ekki borga fyrir úttektina heldur nota opinbera sjóði, svo skylur hann ekki neitt í neinu. Væri nær að fara í grunnnámskeið í hagfræði.

Rúnar Már Bragason, 19.9.2024 kl. 12:11

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