Casey Jones þarf að athuga hraðann

Það er í góðu lagi með börnin

"The rightward shift in East Germany is a shift above all among the youngest, as the elections in Saxony and Thüringen have shown. One in three young people there voted for the far right. In Thüringen, as many as 38% of 18- to 34-year-olds cast their ballot for the AfD – more than in any other age group. Many a parent who values living in a democracy will have wondered: “What have we done wrong?”"

Börnin hafna fasisma og kommúnisma, og leita til frjálshyggju og þjóðernishyggju.

Áreiðanlegustu bílarnir & þeir óáreiðanlegustu

"2, Lexus; 2, Toyota; 3, Mini"

Mini?  Hefði aldrei grunað það.

"28, Rivian; 29, Benz; 30, Chrysler."

Vei bakk in ðí Eydís voru Benz góðir, jafnvel framúrskarandi.  Það var hægt að kera þá 10X í kringum jörðina.  Nú... ekki svo mjög.

Fjöleminningin lætur á sér kræla í Rotterdam

"According to De Telegraaf, the suspect was armed with two large knives and was stabbing people at random. Multiple witnesses interviewed by Dutch media said the assailant was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’. 

The man “clearly intended to claim many victims,” a witness told De Telegraaf.

Kickboxing trainer Reniel Renato David Litecia told reporters that he hit the attacker with two sticks and managed to take away his knives. Other people reportedly tried to stop the suspect by throwing furniture at him."

Ekki nenntu allir að bíða dauða síns, greinilega.

Brandara-lögreglan eltir Musk

"On Sunday, after Trump survived the second assassination attempt on his life within the span of two months, an X account asked, “Why they want to kill Donald Trump?” to which Musk replied, “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala ????”

In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the Secret Service told Bloomberg that the records the agency has regarding Musk’s X post were “compiled for law enforcement purposes” and are being withheld because “disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”"

Brandara-lögreglan er náriðla-megin í lífinu, er mín reynzla.

Þeir eru að komast að því fyrst núna að amfetamín hefur aukaverkanir

"First, let’s remember that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is NOT based on science. There is no medical test (blood work, urine test, CAT/MRI, etc.,) that will reveal any known objective, confirmable abnormality in the brain that is ADHD.

In fact, ADHD is a list of behaviors in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. If a child is labeled with six of the eighteen behaviors, the ADHD label is affixed.

According to recent data, as of 2021, 41 million prescriptions for Adderall (amphetamine) were written for those suffering from ADHD. This number is the equivalent of one in eight Americans who “need” to have their brains chemically altered just to function “normally?”

In a Daily Mail article about Moran’s research, the reporter explained that “They (ADHD drugs) work by ramping up dopamine levels in the brain, which is linked to hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.”"

Ekkert nýtt.

Það hefði verið betra að gefa þeim öllum kókaín.  Færri aukaverkanir.

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