Žį og nś

Byrjum į aš velta okkur uppśr fortķšinni:

Allar heimildir um žetta koma frį spįnverjum, og jafnvel žęr eru mikiš til sķašar ķ gegnum Apache.

Žetta er įkvešinn gluggi innķ hvernig įstandiš hefur veriš ķ Evrópu fyrir Rómaveldi.

En žaš var žį, nśna er žetta svona:

"Lunatic progressives who transformed parts of California into lawless hellholes insist their 'utopian' state should be a model for the rest of America. Thanks, but no thanks.

On Friday evening, a mob of 50 kids ransacked a 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, more specifically, on the border of Beverly Hills at 8500 W Olympic Blvd, local media outlet KTLA reported."

Svona vilja menn vķst hafa žetta.

Chechenarnir hafa osom jeppa

"Russia has sent two more Tesla Cybertrucks to the combat zone in the Ukraine conflict, Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Republic of Chechnya, wrote on Telegram on Friday. He also published a video showing the two electric vehicles.

The post came just a day after Kadyrov chastised Tesla CEO Elon Musk for supposedly remotely deactivating a Cybertruck the Chechen leader had demonstrated  in August."

Žaš er vķst létt verk aš aftengja bara netiš ef žaš er meš einhverja stęla.

Ķrska rķkiš neyšist til žess aš hętta meš nazista bullshit

"Justice Minister Helen McEntee confirmed on Saturday that Dublin will drop new hate speech provisions in the proposed Criminal Justice Bill, admitting that the “incitement to hatred” section of the legislation did “not have a consensus,” the Irish Times reports.

The campaign group Free Speech Ireland also warned that the government may still seek to criminalise speech, warning that the legislation could still potentially impose penalties for the “denial of genocide”."

Žaš veršur gerš önnur tilraun til žess aš koma nazista bullshit ķ lög.


Ķ hinu undarlega og dystópķska Bretlandi

"Brits are being warned that they could face a £300 home if they sit in front of a roaring fire this Autumn - depending on where they live. 

The fine could be issued to anyone living in the UK if they have a chimney in their property due to a new rule relating to Smoke Control Areas."

Landiš er greinilega rekiš af hinum mestu bjįnum.


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