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Fyrrum vopnaeftirlitsmaður er eitthvað stressaður. Hann færir fyrir þvi ýmis rök.

Allir eru að skemmta sér

"United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, said on X, "With the region on the brink of an imminent catastrophe, it cannot be overstated enough: there is NO military solution that will make either side safer."

On Saturday Israel very clearly intensified its airstrikes on Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah retaliated with dozens of rockets in the early Sunday morning hours targeting Israel’s Ramat David Airbase, east of Haifa."

Mér skilst þeir hafi 40 daga til þess að koma öllu í kalda kol.  Eða voru það 50?

Flugkaffiperrarnir voru allir kommúnistar.

Þessi bjórframleiðandi styður hryðjuverkasamtök

"A Wisconsin-based beer company is selling cans featuring Antifa, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, as well as "MAGA tears" in the area of Chicago, Illinois.

A portion of the profits from the company go to abortion activist organizations and the beer are meant to promote Democrat voter turnout."

Bjór fyrir kvenlega menn sem vilja skera kynfærin af börnum og brenna svertingja.

Hvers vegna eru leftistar alltaf vöðvastæltir eins og Auzwitch fangar?

Bandarikjaher fylkir lið í Alaska

"The US is reinforcing its military presence in Alaska due to increased Russian and Chinese activity off the coast, Politico reported on Friday."

... og birnir.  Það eru mannýgir brinir í Alaska.

Military Summari gaurinn gæti fylgst með þessu

"“When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegalities and criminal activities of these migrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago is going to go up in flames and there will be nothing the National Guard or the government can do about it when the bloodshed hits the streets. It’ll be blacks against migrants.”

The latest figures show Chicago has spent almost half a billion dollars over the last two years on the more than 42,000 migrants who’ve arrived since 2022.

Many have been given money for rent, food stamp cards and even cars — and some landlords have pushed out local African-Americans because they can get more government money for housing migrants."

Þetta fær væntanlega að malla í svona ár.

Boris Johnson er einhverskonar sauður.

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