Út í Geim

Kananum kvíðir fyrir að fá Harris

"A signature feature of Kamala Harris’s housing plan is providing first-time home buyers with $25,000 in down-payment support, at a total cost of $100 billion over four years. Absent a severe recession, this policy is all but certain to lead to higher home prices. That’s because the four million program recipients would become price setters for all buyers in their neighborhoods."

Venjulegur dagur.

Herra og Frú Nessie

"It now arises that new footage of an unidentified hump in Scotland’s Loch Ness surprisingly suggests that ‘there might not be one, but possibly TWO long-necked creatures lurking in its depths’, according to one dedicated monster hunter."

Skotland 140

Svolítið öðruvísi listagagnrýni

"Ai Weiwei sculpture gets destroyed by man who targets art for “vandalism practice”

The collective gasps on the video as this hero/monster transforms Ai Weiwei's cube of what appears to be painted-ceramic pvc pipes.

Another time, he smacked performance artist Marina Abramović upside the head with a portrait he painted of her."

Þetta er viss list-viðburður.

Elon Musk sendir fólk lengst út í geim

"In a post on his X platform Sunday, Elon Musk announced plans to launch unmanned Mars missions within two years, and crewed missions within four years. This endeavor, which he says is primarily to be funded using revenue from his Starlink satellite internet company, is a response to what he sees as "the fundamental existential question" of whether or not "humanity becomes sustainably multiplanetary before something happens on Earth to prevent that.""

Ekkert grunsamlegt

"Paul Pelosi, the husband of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), sold between $500,000 and $1 million worth of Visa stock, according to public records, just weeks before the Justice Department launched a lawsuit against the credit card company on Tuesday.

The finding raises concerns that many members of Congress trade stocks based on information unavailable to the public."

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