Jæja, kíkjum á þetta:

Ungverjar vs Evrópusambandið

"A years-long battle has been taking place between Brussels and Budapest, with conservative President Viktor Orbán having to go toe to toe with the EU bureaucracy every step of the way.

Today, another chapter in the dispute begins, with the European Union announcing that it is taking Hungary’s government to court over laws that could ‘allow the authorities to investigate and prosecute people accused of undermining the country’s sovereignty’."

Hver heldur með hinu illa?  Áfram Ungverjar!

Hvernig þetta gengur.

... þessir rússar:

"Russian State Duma MP Yevgeny Popov has spoken out against the proposed revival of a Stalin-era policy that would tax people who don’t have children."

Allur heimurinn er... eins og hann er.

Ekkert má.

Toyota hættir að nauðga börnum

"Toyota announced Thursday it will no longer sponsor LGBTQ parades and events and will no longer make efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)."


FEMA er disaster

"A shocking firsthand account from a SpaceX engineer in storm-battered North Carolina reveals that Biden-Harris' Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) blocked shipments of critical goods for relief efforts into the region. There have been numerous reports this week of FEMA actively hindering relief efforts in the western part of the state, including threatening private helicopter pilots with arrests for conducting rescue missions. We also learned that the Biden-Harris administration drained FEMA funds to support illegal aliens, prioritizing non-citizens (future voters) over American citizens."

Minnir mjög á Íslenska Ríkið.

Daily mail er ekki alveg að fatta...

"Every now and again, a headline comes along that threatens to retire The Babylon Bee:
Alarming rise of 'super-fit' slim young people suffering heart attacks as experts reveal theories for the surge"

Af youtube: 

Allir vita.  Allir með tvær heilasellur eða meira.

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