8.10.2024 | 16:37
Markvert ķ dag, 8/10/24
Herinn hindrar björgunarašgeršir
"Videos have emerged on social media showing an unidentified helicopter with pilots wearing military-style headgear sabotaging direly needed supplies at a United Cajun Navy distribution site in Burnsville despite volunteers in a seemingly deliberate act of sabotage despite volunteers allegedly designating the area as a no-fly, no drop zone just hours before."
Smį sovét fķlingur ķ USA nśna.
"Lithuania has confiscated five pairs of camouflage pants from a passenger train traveling from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad to Moscow, the local authorities have said, promising to send them as aid to Kiev."
Žeir höfšu fyrir žessu.
"The church member told deputies he had confronted two suspicious men outside the church, and one of them presented a rifle. The church member allegedly fired multiple rounds, causing both men to enter a white minivan and flee the scene, driving northbound on U.S. 281."
Į mešan mešal-ķslendingurinn vill ólmur lįta myrša sig, er Texasbśinn į öšru mįli.
Musk segir bara žaš sem honum dettur ķ hug
"(0:00) Elon Musk Is All in on Donald Trump
(6:35) Providing Starlink to Victims of Hurricane Helene
(9:22) If Trump Loses, This Is the Last Election
(21:49) The Epstein and Diddy Client List
(33:38) Vaccines
(35:49) The Movement to Decriminalize Crime
(50:22) Gavin Newsom
(53:11) Europes Declining Birthrate
(57:02) We Need Religion
(1:08:04) Why Is There So Much Anti-Human Messaging?
(1:19:33) AI and the Woke Mind Virus
(1:43:01) Musks Role in a Trump Administration"
Žetta fór ekki samkvęmt įętlun hjį žeim
"In the pre-taped interview, Harris faced some actual journalism, squirming awkwardly as she faced questions about her nomination, and was asked to clarify her shifting positions on fracking, border security, and other policy flip-flops.
Bill Whitaker: Youve changed your positions so much that no one believes anything. Harris: Well, Im the vice president and I travel a lot."
"The operation is running out of a Harley-Davidson dealership and is being overseen by people with some impressive military backgrounds.
Smith and crew are reportedly using a fleet of 35 helicopters that have flown hundreds of rescue, reconnaissance and resupply sorties. The aircraft are privately owned."
Į mešan er rķkiš aš senda peninga til Palestķnu.
Flokkur: Vķsindi og fręši | Facebook
Žaš er mér svo borin von aš skilja aš nokkur mašur vilji aš Harris vinni eša žį aš eyša atkvęši sķnu. Vonlausari frambjóšanda hefur ég ekki oršiš vitni aš fyrr. Svo vita vonlaus aš Biden var betri og žį er mikiš sagt.
Rśnar Mįr Bragason, 8.10.2024 kl. 17:21
Žetta eru NPCar. Hlżtur aš vera.
Bara "MITT LIŠ VINNUR" og ekkert annaš. Ekkert um hvers vegna žetta liš er frįbęrt, eša neitt.
Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 8.10.2024 kl. 20:39
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.