Annarlegar hneigðir félagshyggjufólks

Lögreglan í Portland býr sig undir óeirðir félagshyggjufólks

"Police in the city of Portland, Oregon are getting ready for potential violence and rioting on election night, no matter who wins.

It’s almost like rioting over politics has become a cherished tradition in the far left city. People in the city even rioted in 2020."

Ef þú vilt ekki eyða og myrða, þá ertu ekki félagshyggjumaður.


Þó morðóðir séu, kunna leftistar ekki að meðhöndla skotvopn

"Governor Tim Walz struggles to load his gun while going pheasant hunting in Minnesota to impress male voters. Walz is trying to impress young men by doing "manly" things as Kamala Harris struggles with male voters.

Governor Walz hopes to convince men that he is very manly and that he can relate to them. During the debate, Walz not only said he was friends with school sh**ters but also claimed he kept a shotgun in his car to hunt pheasants after football practice.


Isn't it interesting that the people who say you shouldn't own an "assault rifle" know so little about guns overall?"

Þeir eru vanir að láta aðra myrða fyrir sig.

Hillary Clinton hefur gert söngleik

"Suffs, the feminist Broadway musical that counts Hillary Clinton as one of its main producers, is officially a box-office bomb, with the show announcing a closing date after reportedly failing to turn a profit after nearly six months.

The musical — a nearly three-hour celebration of the suffragette movement, featuring a cast comprised entirely of women and gender “non-binary” performers — cost $19 million to produce, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing reviewed by the New York Times. That money has not been recouped, with ticket revenue failing to cover the weekly cost of operations."

... Hillary Clinton... söngleikur... ... ... ha?

Mjög í anda sósíalismans.

Auka tungl

"It appears that planet Earth has assumed babysitting duties for a minor space object that came too close to our world and chose to stay for a few weeks. The traveling object fell into Earth’s orbit in September and will remain there until late November. Rocky in disposition and roughly the size of a school bus, the object is an asteroid, yet scientists are calling it a “second moon.”"

Það er frekar lítið og lélegt.

Þýzkaranum finnst sem stríð í framandi löndum komi honum ekkert við

"The protest on Saturday was organized by the ver.di trade union, with the slogan: ‘You will not prepare me for war’.

The demonstrators urged the government in Berlin to stop arms shipments to Israel and Ukraine, and instead use the money for social needs at home."

Þeir sem hafa lesið 1984 vita að tilgangurinn með stríði er að sóa peningum svo ekki sé hægt að nota þá til þess að bæta lífskjörin heima við.

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