21.10.2024 | 16:59
Hestar sprengdir ķ loft upp ofl.
Menn vekja athygli į žvķ aš kosningar ķ USA eru dįldiš vafasamar stundum
"One of the many lawsuits against MI SOS Benson was filed by the RNC in March. The lawsuit accuses the Democrat SOS of having more active voters on the voter rolls than eligible voters in 53 counties in Michigan."
Śkranķumenn aš verša uppiskroppa men mannskap
"The head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministrys press team on the ground, speaking on condition of anonymity, told El Pais that Kievs main problem is not weapons, it is the people.
Nobody wants to go to the army. The brigades tell us they cant rotate, theyre exhausted. There will be no people to fight soon, he is cited as saying."
Aušvitaš vill enginn heilvita mašur taka žįtt ķ žessu.
Wyoming er skemmtilegri stašur en mig hefši grunaš
"Wyoming has to stop blowing up dead horses to prevent forest fires.
But only temporarily.
The US Forest Service routinely blows up carcasses of fallen horses - after removing horseshoes to minimize the hazard from flying metal debris - to prevent gatherings of ravenous grizzly bears that frequent Wyoming's open spaces."
Samkeppnin um rottufyllstu borg USA er hörš
"San Francisco has been ranked as Americas second most rat-infested city right behind New York City.. Although the plague of the hated rodents has led to several McDonalds closing in nearby Oakland due to safety and sanitary concerns, a lot of small businesses are taking abuse from the rats without getting much publicity over it."
Best aš vera gręjašur upp.
Sveršfiskur stingur brimbrettakappa
"The surfing lifestyle cult figure was catching waves at Masokut Island in the Mentawai archipelago when a swordfish leapt out of the water and stuck her in her chest, eyewitnesses have told news outlets.
According to The Standard, the Instagram influencer reportedly had a 5cm (1.96 inches) deep stab wound on the left side of her chest."
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.