Úrkynjun heldur áfram að vera alþjóða-böl

Færri og færri nenna að berjast fyrir Úkraníu

"The Times of London reported data from the Ukrainian government showing that "51,000 criminal cases were initiated for desertion and abandonment of a military unit between January and September of this year."

Ukraine has also resorted to allowing prisoners to leave jail if they join the military.

One Ukrainian who deserted told the Times that prison was a better option than the military because "at least in prison, you know when you will be able to leave.""

Það dregur að lokum þarna.

Boeing gervihnöttur springur í loft upp

"“The Intelsat 33e satellite, which was launched in 2016 and provides communications across Europe, Asia and Africa, experienced “an anomaly” on Saturday, Intelsat said in a news release. Attempts were made to work with Boeing and repair the satellite, but on Monday, the U.S. Space Force confirmed that the satellite had exploded.”"

DEI eða geimverur?

Barnageldarar földu niðurts-ður rannsókna á þroskaheftandi eitri vegna þess að þeir vildu selja meira þroskaheftandi eitur

"A prominent doctor and trans rights advocate admitted she deliberately withheld publication of a $10 million taxpayer-funded study on the effect of puberty blockers on American children — after finding no evidence that they improve patients' mental health."

Barnageldarar munu gelda börn

Það þarf nú engan fjármálasnilling til þess að sjá þetta

"“We now pay nearly $1.2 trillion per year in interest on the debt, about 23% of all taxes, tariffs and fees collected by the US govt goes to paying interest on the debt,” the Wall Street Silver account posted.

Musk replied, warning that “if there is not a radical reduction of government expenditures, then, just like an individual who has taken on too much debt, America will become de facto bankrupt.”

“The interest on the debt is trending to rapidly absorb all tax revenue, leaving nothing for critical needs,” he added.

Musk previously pointed out in September that the cost of servicing the vast US federal debt has outstripped the current defense budget, which topped $840 billion this year."

Þetta er mjög einfaldur reikningur.  Sem mjög margir skilja víst ekki.

Mjög úrkynjað fólk er oft mjög ofsóknarótt

"Umfangsmiklar götulokanir verða í Reykjavík í næstu viku, vegna þings Norðurlandaráðs, auk þess sem vopnaðir lögreglumenn munu sinna öryggisgæslu. Verulegar takmarkanir verða einnig á umferð um Þingvelli á mánudag.

Íslenska ríkið hafi ákveðnum skuldbindingum að gegna þegar tekið er á móti þjóðarleiðtogum erlendra ríkja. Öryggi þjóðarleiðtoga erlendra ríkja sem hingað koma sé á ábyrgð íslenska ríkisins."

Paranoia Paranoia everybody's coming to get you...

Ég myndi hlæja í mörg ár ef löggan myndi óvart skjóta einn af þessum vitleysingum.

Tim Pool getur tekið gleði sína á ný.

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